

本文介绍了Xcode - 使用较旧的iOS版本运行模拟器的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


嘿,我已经做了很多环顾四周,看到了很多关于如何在旧版本的Xcode中做到这一点的答案,但它们似乎并不适用于Xcode 6.那么我怎样才能运行旧版本的iOS使用Xcode 6的模拟器。

Hey I have done a lot of looking around and seen many answers for how to do this in older versions of Xcode, but they don't seem to aplly to Xcode 6. So how can I run an older version of iOS in the simulator with Xcode 6.



在Xcode首选项的下载窗格中,下载iOS 7或7.1模拟器。

In the Downloads pane of Xcode's Preferences, download the iOS 7 or 7.1 simulator.

下载后,转到设备窗口(窗口 - >设备),然后单击加号按钮,使用您想要的系统版本制作新的模拟设备。例如,您可能决定制作运行iOS 7的iPhone 4。

After it is downloaded, go to the Devices window (Window -> Devices) and click the Plus button to make a new simulated device with the system version you want. For example you might decide to make an iPhone 4s that's running iOS 7.


Now you'll be able to choose that device/system as the destination when you build and run.

这篇关于Xcode - 使用较旧的iOS版本运行模拟器的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-26 12:09