

本文介绍了Mac OS 10.7(Lion)上的类似Valgrind的工具的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I need a tool which helps me to find memory leaks in a c program in a similar way valgrind does. It should figures out when a program overwrites memory it should not (e.g. by miscalculating an array index). I learned that there is the leaks utility along with the graphical instruments app.


However I think it can just find memory allocated with new (or malloc) which was not released and is not accessible anymore. Also I learned that valgrind is supposed to work on older releases (10.5 and 10.6), but I use lion (10.7).


我将使用XCode开发人员工具 MallocDebug .您应该在/Developer 文件夹中将其与XCode一起安装

I would use the XCode developer tool MallocDebug. You should have this installed with XCode in your /Developer folder

或者,您可以在 gdb 中运行应用程序,并通过运行

Alternatively, you can run your application in gdb and use the native malloc logging by running

% gdb <program name>
(gdb) set env MallocStackLoggingNoCompact 1
(gdb) run


Then, you can use /usr/bin/leaks and /usr/bin/malloc_history to find obvious leaks

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07-26 11:53