




将 Process out、err 和 input 流复制到系统版本


with IOUtils.copy as follows (after fixing various compilation errors):

import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils;
import java.io.IOException;

public class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args)
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        final Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("/bin/sh -i");
        new Thread(new Runnable() {public void run() {
            try {
                IOUtils.copy(process.getInputStream(), System.out);
            } catch (IOException e) {}
        } } ).start();
        new Thread(new Runnable() {public void run() {
            try {
                IOUtils.copy(process.getErrorStream(), System.err);
            } catch (IOException e) {}
        } } ).start();
        new Thread(new Runnable() {public void run() {
            try {
                IOUtils.copy(System.in, process.getOutputStream());
            } catch (IOException e) {}
        } } ).start();

然而,生成的代码不适用于诸如执行 sh -i 命令的交互式进程.在后一种情况下,对任何 sh 命令都没有响应.

However, the resulting code doesn't work for interactive processes like the one executing sh -i command. In the latter case there is no response to any of the sh commands.


So my question is: could you suggest an alternative to copy the streams that will work with interactive processes?


问题是 IOUtil.copy() 正在运行,而 InputStream 中有数据要复制.由于您的进程只是不时地产生数据,IOUtil.copy() 退出,因为它认为没有数据要复制.

The problem is that IOUtil.copy() is running while there is data in the InputStream to be copied. Since your process only produces data from time to time, IOUtil.copy() exits as it thinks there is no data to be copied.


Just copy data by hand and use a boolean to stop the thread form outside:

byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
int len;
while (threadRunning) {  // threadRunning is a boolean set outside of your thread
    if((len = input.read(buf)) > 0){
        output.write(buf, 0, len);

这会读取与 inputStream 上可用字节一样多的块,并将它们全部复制到输出.InputStream 在内部放置线程 wait(),然后在数据可用时唤醒它.

This reads in chunks as many bytes as there are available on inputStream and copies all of them to output. Internally InputStream puts thread so wait() and then wakes it when data is available.
So it's as efficient as you can have it in this situation.


07-26 11:02