本文介绍了如何优雅地初始化vector< char *>与字符串文字?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


问题来自C ++ Primer 5th Edition上的练习:

The problem comes from an exercise on C++ Primer 5th Edition:

---------- ------原始问题----------

----------------Oringinal Question------------


First I try the following somewhat direct way:

vector<char *> vec = {"Hello", "World"};
vec[0][0] = 'h';


But compiling the code I get a warning:

temp.cpp:11:43: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ [-Wwrite-strings]
     vector<char *> vec = {"Hello", "World"};


And running the ./a.out I get a

Segmentation fault (core dumped)

我认为这是因为我尝试写入const char。所以我尝试另一种方式:

I think it is because I try to write to a const char. So I try another way:

char s1[] = "Hello", s2[] = "World";
vector<char *> vec = {s1, s2};
vec[0][0] = 'h';


It is OK this time. But it seems a little tedious. Is there any other elegant way to initialize a vector with string literal?



template <size_t N>
void append_literal(std::vector<char*>& v, const char (&str)[N]) {
    char* p = new char[N];
    memcpy(p, str, N);

std::vector<char*> v;
append_literal(v, "Hello");
append_literal(v, "World");


void clear(std::vector<char*>& v) {
    for (auto p : v) delete[] p;

尽管从问题的措辞来看,如果无论如何,它都是 vector< const char *> ,就好像它是 vector< char *> (您复制时不会修改源,所以可以修改源也没关系),因此我会坚持练习,就像您刚做过一样:

Although from the wording of the question, syntactically it's the same work either way if it was a vector<const char*> as if it were a vector<char*> anyway (you're not modifying the source when you're copy, so doesn't matter if you could modify the source), so I would stick to the exercise as if you just did:

std::vector<const char*> v{"Hello", "World!"};

这篇关于如何优雅地初始化vector&lt; char *&gt;与字符串文字?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-26 10:07