



The solution given is to zero out DX, but in my case it already is!
My program is to simply divide a 16 bit number by an 8 bit number.


data segment
num1 dw 0204h
num2 db 02h
quotient db ?
remainder db ?
data ends
code segment
assume cs:code,ds:data
start: mov ax,data
mov ds,ax
mov ax,num1
div num2
mov quotient,al
mov remainder,ah
mov ah,4ch
int 21h
code ends
end start




You badly need to start using whitespace to separate your assembly code. This code is doing something extremely simple (dividing one number by another), yet it is extremely difficult to read. That should obviously not be the case: simple code should be simple to read! Why is it hard to read? Because you've got all of your boilerplate code jammed up against the code that's actually doing the division operation, and my eyes just glaze over. I'm not able to pick out the important bits from the boilerplate. Whitespace is free; don't be afraid of it. Your assembler doesn't mind.


data segment

num1      dw 0204h
num2      db 02h
quotient  db ?
remainder db ?

data ends

code segment
assume cs:code, ds:data

    ; Initialize Data Segment (DS)
    mov ax, data
    mov ds, ax

    ; Do the division and save the results
    mov ax, num1
    div num2
    mov quotient, al
    mov remainder, ah

    ; Terminate process
    ; (Note that you should also be setting AL to a result code here!)
    mov ah, 4ch
    int 21h
end start

code ends

现在,是不是更清楚什么是什么?另外,虽然MASM/TASM会让您摆脱草率的习惯,但不要养成不良习惯.这是使代码无法读取并获得错误结果的另一种方法.您可以在代码中使用符号的两种不同方法:一种方法是使用该符号的地址/偏移量,另一种方法是使用 contents / value .在MASM/TASM中,当您需要地址/偏移量时,需要使用OFFSET关键字.使用内容/值时,从技术上讲您并不需要,但实际上应该将符号括在方括号中以表明它已被取消引用.换句话说,而不是:

Now, isn't it substantially more clear what's what? Also, while MASM/TASM will let you get away with being sloppy, don't get into bad habits. That's another way to make your code unreadable and get the wrong results. There are two different ways that you can use symbols in your code: one way is to use the address/offset of that symbol, and the other way is to use the contents/value of that symbol. In MASM/TASM, when you want the address/offset, you need to use the OFFSET keyword. When you use the contents/value, you don't technically need to, but you really should wrap the symbol in brackets to indicate that it is being dereferenced. In other words, instead of:

mov ax, num1


mov  ax, [num1]

带着这怒吼,让我们看看您的代码有什么问题.迈克尔·佩奇(Michael Petch)已经指出,这是MASM/TASM的按我的意思而不是我所写的"风格对您没有任何帮助的另一种情况.之所以执行8位除法,是因为您在DIV指令中使用了8位操作数(num2).这意味着它实际上在做:

With that rant off my chest, let's look at what's wrong with your code. Michael Petch has already pointed out that this is another case where MASM/TASM's "do what I mean, not what I write" style is not doing you any favors. It is doing an 8-bit division because you've used an 8-bit operand (num2) with the DIV instruction. That means it's actually doing:

AX / [num2]


with the quotient in AL and the remainder in AH. If the quotient is larger than 8 bits, it won't fit in AL and the division will overflow.


The workaround is to do a 16-bit division, in which case the quotient will be placed in AX and the remainder will be placed in DX.


To get that, write the code thusly:

mov  ax, [num1]      ; AX = [num1]
xor  dx, dx          ; DX = 0

xor  bx, bx          ; BX = 0
mov  bl, [num2]      ; BL = [num2], BH = 0

div  bx              ; DX:AX / BX

mov  [quotient],  ax
mov  [remainder], dx

(由于这也破坏了BX,因此您可能想通过在顶部执行push bx并在末尾执行pop bx来保存其原始值.)

(Since this is also clobbering BX, you may want to save its original value by doing a push bx at the top and a pop bx at the end.)


The documentation for the DIV instruction contains a handy table summarizing how 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit divisions work:

Operand Size        | Dividend  | Divisor   | Quotient  | Remainder | Maximum Quotient
Word/byte           | AX        | r/m8      | AL        | AH        | 2^8 - 1
Doubleword/word     | DX:AX     | r/m16     | AX        | DX        | 2^16 - 1
Quadword/doubleword | EDX:EAX   | r/m32     | EAX       | EDX       | 2^32 - 1

除数"是DIV指令的唯一操作数. 股息"是隐含的.请注意,"r/m"表示寄存器或内存操作数.

The "divisor" is the sole operand for the DIV instruction. The "dividend" is implicit. Note that "r/m" means either a register or memory operand.


08-20 21:49