




我想创建一个加载项,该加载项将允许我可以在调试器(c/c ++)中显示甚至修改数据.我有一个数据结构(最初是c的),它描述一个矩阵:指向数据的指针,行数,列数等.我希望能够对此数据进行可视化处理,以使其显示2. 2维格式的D矩阵数据.这是通过键入以下内容而不必在监视窗口中查看的一种替代方法,例如:

myMatrix.data [23](尤其是在使用单个尺寸标注来选择二维元素位置的情况下) )



1.23456 3.456432 -12.345676
2.34567 13.26262 12.6778688
-123.37 123.3838 -1234.2828

等我不知道该怎么做.我刚刚阅读了有关如何为Developer Studio创建加载项的介绍,但是一旦到达需要从调试器内部访问用户数据的地步,我就不知道了.从哪里开始.



Can anyone help point me in the direction of some tutorial or similar that may describe something similar that would help me achieve my goal???

I want to create an add-in that will allow me to display and even possibly modify data within the debugger (c/c++). I have a data structure (from c originally) that describes a matrix: pointer to data, number of rows, number of columns, etc. I would like to be able to create a visualisation of this data such that it would show a 2-D matrix's data in a 2-D form. This is an alternative to having to view it thriugh the watch window by typing, for example:

myMatrix.data[23] (particularly where a single dimmension is used to pick out a 2-D element position)

I would hope to see something like the expandible view that you now get when you hover over a variable but when expanding the "data" member of the structure I would want to see something in 2-D form, e.g.


1.23456   3.456432   -12.345676
2.34567   13.26262   12.6778688
-123.37   123.3838   -1234.2828


This would be in some presentable GUI-style form. I have no idea how to go about doing this. I have just read the introduction about how to create an add-in to Developer Studio which I am able to follow but once it gets to the point where I need to be able to access the user-data from within the debugger I would not know where to start.

Can anyone help point me in the direction of some tutorial or similar that may describe something similar that would help me achieve my goal???

Thanks in advance



07-26 09:06