我尝试过 Lisp(实际上是 Scheme),发现它是一种非常漂亮的语言,我有兴趣了解更多.然而,Lisp 似乎从未在严肃的项目中使用过,而且我还没有看到它在任何职位发布中被列为所需的技能.我很想听听任何使用过 Lisp 或见过它在现实世界"中使用过的人,或者知道它是否被认为是一种纯粹的学术语言的人的意见.
I have experimented with Lisp (actually Scheme) and found it to be a very beautiful language that I am interested in learning more about. However, it appears that Lisp is never used in serious projects, and I haven't seen it listed as a desired skill on any job posting. I am interested in hearing from anyone who has used Lisp or seen it used in the "real world", or who knows whether it is considered a purely academic language.
Franz, Inc. 提供了一个详尽的列表网站上的成功案例.然而:
Franz, Inc. provides an inexhaustive list of success stories on their website. However:
请不要以为 Lisp 只是对动画和图形、人工智能、生物信息学、B2B 和电子商务,数据挖掘、EDA/半导体应用程序、专家系统、金融、智能代理,知识管理、机械CAD、建模和模拟,自然语言,优化、研究、风险分析、调度、电信和 Web 创作只因为这些是唯一的东西他们碰巧列出.— 肯特·皮特曼
We can find other success stories here: http://lisp-lang.org/success/
以及当前使用 Common Lisp 的公司列表:https://github.com/azzamsa/awesome-lisp-companies
and a list of current companies using Common Lisp: https://github.com/azzamsa/awesome-lisp-companies
这篇关于现实世界中的 Lisp的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!