本文介绍了Win SDK和VS 2005(C ++)的安装问题的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



我的系统是Windows 7 Home Premium(捆绑式),我安装了Visual Studio 2005,仅安装了C ++和.NET部件,它具有最新的Service Pack和Pocket PC SDK.

一时兴起,我决定要尝试为Windows Media Player制作一个插件(我的插件是12),所以我转到了此页面:Link,我安装了Windows SDK,并及时要求我提供.NET.框架4,所以我做了,然后回到安装.我假设 VS.NET与VS2005兼容,WMP9与WMP12兼容,WMP SDK与Win SDK兼容,因此,我继续安装插件向导(本来应该自动安装,但似乎没有). />
我遇到的第一个问题:使用完整的管理员访问令牌运行Visual Studio注册实用程序" ...什么是注册实用程序"?我前一段时间安装了VS2005.我会继续快乐.

第二个问题:我转到C:\ Program Files \ Microsoft SDKs \ Windows \ v7.1 \ Samples \ multimedia \ WMP \ Wizards \ wmpwiz,以获取"Wmpwiz2005.vsz"消息.与我的VS2005对应的文件,我只能找到一个"wmpwiz.vsz".我继续,不是很高兴,将文件复制到我的VS2005 (VCProjectsDefaults)目录并对其进行编辑,我打开VS2005,没有任何"Windows Media Player插件向导".在模板中.

我尝试过一次类似的搜索,在Google,Binged中搜索并在此论坛和其他论坛中搜索,但没有任何结果,看来我是唯一拥有此问题组合的人.更奇怪的是,我指出出现错误的原因是我什至下载,安装了 并获得了Visual C ++ 2010 Express的免费许可证,对它做了同样的事情,没有做任何事情.


Hi! I already posted this question in another forum, but as it affects both packages, I got suggested to ask here. This is the originalthread 

My system is a Windows 7 Home Premium (bundled) and I have Visual Studio 2005, I only installed the C++ and .NET parts of it, it has service packs up to date and the Pocket PC SDK.

Out of a whim, I decided I was going to try and make a plug-in for Windows Media Player (mine is 12) so I went to this page: Link and I installed the Windows SDK which in time asked me for the .NET Framework 4, so I did and went back to installation. I assume that VS.NET is met with VS2005, WMP9 is met with WMP12, WMP SDK is met with Win SDK so, I go on with installing the plug-in wizard (that was supposed to install automatically, but it seems not).

First problem that I have: "run the Visual Studio Registration utility with a full administrator access token"... What "Registration utility"? I installed VS2005 a while ago. I shall continue happily.

Second problem: I go to C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Samples\multimedia\WMP\Wizards\wmpwiz to get the "Wmpwiz2005.vsz" file that corresponds to my VS2005 and I only find one "wmpwiz.vsz". I continue, not so happy, copying the file to my VS2005 (VCProjectsDefaults) directory and editing it, I open VS2005 and nothing there's no "Windows Media Player Plug-in Wizard" in the templates.

I tried like a gizzilion times, Googled it, Binged it and searched in this and other forums and nothing, it seems like I'm the only one with this issue combination. Even more odd and what points me to an error on my part is that I even downloaded, installed and got the free license of Visual C++ 2010 Express, did the same to it and nothing.

And so I shall wait for answers and move on with life, exhausted and frustrated...


您是否安装了Windows Media SDK?

Do you have the Windows Media SDK installed?




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07-26 09:04