




I'm importing from a CSV and getting data roughly in the format

{ 'Field1' : 3000, 'Field2' : 6000, 'RandomField' : 5000 }

字段的名称是动态的. (好吧,它们是动态的,它可能不止是Field1和Field2,但我知道Field1Field2总是会存在的.

The names of the fields are dynamic. (Well, they're dynamic in that there might be more than Field1 and Field2, but I know Field1 and Field2 are always going to be there.


I'd like to be able to pass in this dictionary into my class allMyFields so that I can access the above data as properties.

class allMyFields:
    # I think I need to include these to allow hinting in Komodo. I think.
    self.Field1 = None
    self.Field2 = None

    def __init__(self,dictionary):
        for k,v in dictionary.items():
            self.k = v
            #of course, this doesn't work. I've ended up doing this instead
            #self.data[k] = v
            #but it's not the way I want to access the data.

q = { 'Field1' : 3000, 'Field2' : 6000, 'RandomField' : 5000 }
instance = allMyFields(q)
# Ideally I could do this.
print q.Field1


Any suggestions? As far as why -- I'd like to be able to take advantage of code hinting, and importing the data into a dictionary called data as I've been doing doesn't afford me any of that.

(由于直到运行时才解析变量名,所以我仍然不得不向Komodo扔骨头-我认为self.Field1 = None应该足够了.)

(Since the variable names aren't resolved till runtime, I'm still going to have to throw a bone to Komodo - I think the self.Field1 = None should be enough.)


So - how do I do what I want? Or am I barking up a poorly designed, non-python tree?


您可以使用 setattr (不过请注意:并非每个字符串都是有效的属性名称!):

You can use setattr (be careful though: not every string is a valid attribute name!):

>>> class AllMyFields:
...     def __init__(self, dictionary):
...         for k, v in dictionary.items():
...             setattr(self, k, v)
>>> o = AllMyFields({'a': 1, 'b': 2})
>>> o.a

让我解释一下以上代码与.上面的代码片段创建了一个类,这些类的 instance属性基于给定的字典. SilentGhost的代码创建一个类,该类的 class属性基于给定的字典.

let me explain the difference between the above code and SilentGhost's answer. The above code snippet creates a class of which instance attributes are based on a given dictionary. SilentGhost's code creates a class whose class attributes are based on a given dictionary.


Depending on your specific situation either of these solutions may be more suitable. Do you plain to create one or more class instances? If the answer is one, you may as well skip object creation entirely and only construct the type (and thus go with SilentGhost's answer).


07-26 08:43