We have used Joomla as an out-of-box CMS for our company website.
Now we got a requirement from customer to create a travel recommendation website. Customer never used Joomla for programming. He has used Joomla as a out-of-box component.
They need to create destination and write on on destination with comments, rating etc by the other users. But he wants to re-use the existing Joomla modules/plug-ins to avoid development cost.
Anybody experienced here using Joomla for such a task? I couldn't find better discussion for what Joomla can be used?
Joomla的社区扩展名是 Community Builder (CB).还提供投票,评论,博客等扩展.
Your specific problem
THE community extension for Joomla is Community Builder (CB).There are also voting, commenting, bloging, etc. extensions available.
您的问题将是找到可以在可接受的范围内完成您想要的事情的组合.如果您的客户不满意并且有Joomla + Extensions解决方案无法提供的MUSTS,则必须开始破解扩展程序或开始编写插件.
Your problem will be to find a combination which does what you want to an acceptable extent.If your customer is not satisfied and has MUSTS which the Joomla+Extensions solution doesn't provide you will have to start hacking the extensions or start writing plug-ins.
Now hacking a Joomla installation is not really a good idea since upgrading will become hard and a not upgraded Joomla installation is a great security risk.
In the end you might be better of developing your own Joomla extension which does what you need it to do, or refrain from using Joomla at all.
The more extensions you use at the same time, the harder maintenance of hacked code will be.
Joomla is definitely one of the best CMS but it always depends on your needs, what tools you use. Two websites can help with the choice greatly:
- OpensourceCMS 一个页面,您可以在其中对100个开源CMS和类似软件进行实时测试
- CMSMatrix 基本上是一个非常大的功能比较矩阵,几乎包含1000个CMS和类似的东西软件(在所有价格范围内)
- OpensourceCMS A page where you can live-test over a 100 open source CMS and similar software
- CMSMatrix Basically an extremely large feature comparison matrix of almost 1000 (a thousend, yes) CMS and similar software (in all price ranges)
曾经有一段时间,当Typo3在免费CMS中表现出色时,那段时间结束了,界面又笨拙又复杂,Typo3在比赛中远远落后了.然后是一段时间,曼波变得强大,后来Joomla从曼波分裂出来,变得更加强大.但是Joomla 1.0系列的代码遗留问题存在严重缺陷,因此新玩家迅速崛起:Drupal.更干净的代码,更清晰的基于节点的体系结构,可能有些太难了.在Drupal变得强大和流行的同时,Joomla 1.0系列出现了严重的安全问题.关于被黑客入侵的装置的故事堆积如山,Drupal占据了杆位一段时间. Joomla 1.5是一个完全不同的故事.它具有一些出色的新功能,并且在每次升级(现在是1.5.10版)中,越来越多的代码遵循OO,MVC和其他不错的原则.连同大量的扩展(组件,插件,设计模板),Joomla无疑提供了比其他任何开源CMS都更多的选择.我有几个极端案例(今天我将为其进行定制开发),只有Joomla能够满足项目的所有需求.还有一些具有巨大潜力的新名称.例如,Silverstripe.
There was a time, when Typo3 was strong among free CMS but that time is over, the interface is clunky and complicated, Typo3 has fallen far behind in the race. Then there was a time when Mambo became strong and later Joomla split from Mambo and became even stronger. But the code legacy of the Joomla 1.0 series was strongly flawed and a new player quickly took the momentum: Drupal. Cleaner code, clearer node based architecture, maybe for some too hard to get. In the same time when Drupal got strong and popular, the Joomla 1.0 series had serious security problems. Stories about hacked installations piled up and Drupal had the pole position for some time. Joomla 1.5 is a completely different story. It has a few fantastic new features and in every upgrade (Now 1.5.10) more and more code follows OO, MVC and other nice principles. Together with the enormous wealth of extensions (components, plugins, design templates) Joomla definitely offers more options than any other open source CMS. I've had several extrem cases (for which I would do custom development today) where only Joomla was able to fullfill all the needs for a project. There are also a few new names which have a great potential. Silverstripe for example.
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