希望涉足 GAE 和 python,我想知道有哪些最好的工具 - 谢谢!
Looking to dabble with GAE and python, and I'd like to know what are some of the best tools for this - thanks!
我会花时间学习 emacs 之类的东西.学习曲线有点高,但是一旦习惯了,就可以从任何终端进行开发.它对 python 和许多其他库提供了出色的支持.
I would spend the time and learn something like emacs. The learning curve is a bit higher, but once you get used to it, you can develop from any terminal. It has fantastic support for python and many other libraries.
您必须记住,Python 是一种动态类型的语言,因此传统的 IDE 并不是真正的答案,因为它们主要是为静态类型的语言设计的.基本上你想要一些具有语法高亮、编译以及一些快捷方式和宏来让你的生活更轻松的东西...... emacs 拥有所有这些:)
You have to remember that Python is a dynamically typed language so the traditional IDE is not really the answer since those are mostly designed for statically typed languages. Basically you want something that has syntax highlighting, compilation and maybe some shortcuts and macros to make life easier for you... emacs has all of this :)
我会谷歌Emacs Python"来开始.
I would Google "Emacs Python" to get started.
如果你真的不想使用 emacs,我会看看 PyDev.它是 Eclipse IDE 的扩展,可让您编写 python 代码.我的一些从事 Django 工作的朋友在这方面运气不错.
If you really don't want to use emacs, I would look at PyDev. It's an extension to the eclipse IDE that let's you write python code. Some of my friends that do Django work have had good luck with that one.
祝你在 GAE 上好运.
Good luck with GAE.
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