本文介绍了此商家没有可接受的信用卡 - Google Pay的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试将 Google Pay 网络集成到我的网站中,但是当我点击使用 googlepay 付款"时,它显示以下错误:




const allowedAuthMethods = ['PAN_ONLY','CRYPTOGRAM_3DS'] ;const baseCardPaymentMethod = {类型:'卡',参数: {allowedCardNetworks: allowedNetworks,allowedAuthMethods: allowedAuthMethods}};const googlePayBaseConfiguration = {api版本:2,apiVersionMinor: 0,allowedPaymentMethods: [baseCardPaymentMethod]};/*** 保存用于调用不同可用方法的 Google Pay 客户端* 通过 API.* @type {PaymentsClient}* @私人的*/让 googlePayClient;/*** 定义和处理与集成相关的主要操作* 谷歌支付.当 Google Pay 库脚本有* 加载完毕.*/函数 onGooglePayLoaded() {googlePayClient = 新的 google.payments.api.PaymentsClient({环境:'测试'});googlePayClient.isReadyToPay(googlePayBaseConfiguration).then(功能(响应){如果(响应.结果){createAndAddButton();} 别的 {alert("无法使用 Google Pay 支付");}}).catch(函数(错误){console.error("确定是否准备好使用 Google Pay 时出错:", err);});}/*** 处理使用 Google Pay 支付的按钮的创建.* 创建后,此按钮将附加到 DOM 元素下* '立即购买'.*/函数 createAndAddButton() {const googlePayButton = googlePayClient.createButton({//如果默认或省略,当前默认为黑色buttonColor: '默认',//如果省略则默认为 long按钮类型:'长',onClick: onGooglePaymentsButtonClicked});document.getElementById('buy-now').appendChild(googlePayButton);}/*** 处理点击按钮以使用 Google Pay 付款.需要* 定义用于加载的支付数据请求* 用户可用的付款方式.*/函数 onGooglePaymentsButtonClicked() {const 标记化规范 = {类型:'PAYMENT_GATEWAY',参数: {网关:'示例',gatewayMerchantId: 'exampleGatewayMerchantId'}};const cardPaymentMethod = {类型:'卡',标记化规范:标记化规范,参数: {allowedCardNetworks: ['VISA','MASTERCARD'],allowedAuthMethods: ['PAN_ONLY','CRYPTOGRAM_3DS'],billingAddressRequired: 真,billingAddress 参数:{格式:'完整',电话号码必填:true}}};常量事务信息 = {totalPriceStatus:'最终',总价:'123.45',货币代码:'美元',国家代码:'美国'};const 商户信息 = {MerchantId: '01234567890123456789',//仅在生产中商家名称:'示例商家名称'};const paymentDataRequest = Object.assign({}, googlePayBaseConfiguration, {allowedPaymentMethods: [cardPaymentMethod],交易信息:交易信息,商户信息:商户信息});谷歌支付客户端.loadPaymentData(paymentDataRequest).then(function(paymentData) {处理付款(付款数据);}).catch(函数(错误){//日志错误:{ statusCode: CANCELED ||开发人员_错误 }});}函数 processPayment(paymentData) {//TODO:使用有效负载向您的处理器发送 POST 请求//https://us-central1-devrel-payments.cloudfunctions.net/google-pay-server//抱歉,这超出了此代码实验室的范围.返回新的承诺(功能(解决,拒绝){//@todo 将支付令牌传递给您的网关以处理支付const paymentToken = paymentData.paymentMethodData.tokenizationData.token;console.log('模拟发送令牌' + paymentToken + ' 到支付处理器');设置超时(函数(){console.log('来自处理器的模拟响应');警报('完成');解决({});}, 800);});}```

此消息表示当前的 Google 用户没有任何与商家提供的付款方式兼容的卡.特别是 allowedCardNetworksallowedAuthMethods.

这是我根据您的代码段创建的 JSFiddle:

I am trying to integrate Google Pay web into my website but when i click "pay with googlepay" its shows the below error:

There are no accepted cards available for use with this merchant.

When i read documentation it says you can add example as merchant for testing, I just wanted to use test environment but still its not working.

Here is the code that i am using:

const allowedAuthMethods = ['PAN_ONLY','CRYPTOGRAM_3DS'] ;

const baseCardPaymentMethod = {
  type: 'CARD',
  parameters: {
    allowedCardNetworks: allowedNetworks,
    allowedAuthMethods: allowedAuthMethods

const googlePayBaseConfiguration = {
  apiVersion: 2,
  apiVersionMinor: 0,
  allowedPaymentMethods: [baseCardPaymentMethod]

 * Holds the Google Pay client used to call the different methods available
 * through the API.
 * @type {PaymentsClient}
 * @private
let googlePayClient;

 * Defines and handles the main operations related to the integration of
 * Google Pay. This function is executed when the Google Pay library script has
 * finished loading.
function onGooglePayLoaded() {
  googlePayClient = new google.payments.api.PaymentsClient({
        environment: 'TEST'

  .then(function(response) {
    if(response.result) {
    } else {
      alert("Unable to pay using Google Pay");
  }).catch(function(err) {
    console.error("Error determining readiness to use Google Pay: ", err);


 * Handles the creation of the button to pay with Google Pay.
 * Once created, this button is appended to the DOM, under the element
 * 'buy-now'.
function createAndAddButton() {

  const googlePayButton = googlePayClient.createButton({

    // currently defaults to black if default or omitted
    buttonColor: 'default',

    // defaults to long if omitted
    buttonType: 'long',

    onClick: onGooglePaymentsButtonClicked


 * Handles the click of the button to pay with Google Pay. Takes
 * care of defining the payment data request to be used in order to load
 * the payments methods available to the user.
function onGooglePaymentsButtonClicked() {

  const tokenizationSpecification = {
  parameters: {
    gateway: 'example',
    gatewayMerchantId: 'exampleGatewayMerchantId'

  const cardPaymentMethod = {
  type: 'CARD',
  tokenizationSpecification: tokenizationSpecification,
  parameters: {
    allowedCardNetworks: ['VISA','MASTERCARD'],
    allowedAuthMethods: ['PAN_ONLY','CRYPTOGRAM_3DS'],
    billingAddressRequired: true,
    billingAddressParameters: {
      format: 'FULL',
      phoneNumberRequired: true

  const transactionInfo = {
  totalPriceStatus: 'FINAL',
  totalPrice: '123.45',
  currencyCode: 'USD',
  countryCode: 'US'

  const merchantInfo = {
   merchantId: '01234567890123456789', //Only in PRODUCTION
  merchantName: 'Example Merchant Name'

  const paymentDataRequest = Object.assign({}, googlePayBaseConfiguration, {
  allowedPaymentMethods: [cardPaymentMethod],
  transactionInfo: transactionInfo,
  merchantInfo: merchantInfo

  .then(function(paymentData) {
  }).catch(function(err) {
    // Log error: { statusCode: CANCELED || DEVELOPER_ERROR }

function processPayment(paymentData) {
  // TODO: Send a POST request to your processor with the payload
  // https://us-central1-devrel-payments.cloudfunctions.net/google-pay-server
  // Sorry, this is out-of-scope for this codelab.
  return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    // @todo pass payment token to your gateway to process payment
    const paymentToken = paymentData.paymentMethodData.tokenizationData.token;
    console.log('mock send token ' + paymentToken + ' to payment processor');
    setTimeout(function() {
      console.log('mock response from processor');
    }, 800);
} ```

This message means that the current Google user doesn't have any cards that are compatible with the payment options that the merchant has provided. Specifically allowedCardNetworks and allowedAuthMethods.

Here is a JSFiddle that I created based on your snippet: https://jsfiddle.net/aumg6ncb/

This is what I get back after clicking on the button:

这篇关于此商家没有可接受的信用卡 - Google Pay的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-26 08:34