



我正在使用 powershell 查询远程计算机 C 驱动器上的文件,如果该文件存在状态为成像已完成",则应运行其他检查.

I am using a powershell to query a file on a remote machines C-drive and if the file exist with status 'imaging completed' it should run other checks.

$filetofind = Get-Content C:\Image.log

#Get the list down to just imagestatus and export
foreach ($line in $filetofind)
    $file = $line.trim("|")
    echo $file >> C:\jenkins\imagestatus.txt


But when I run below commands I am getting the error.Can anyone help ?

Get-Content : Cannot find path 'C:\Image.log' because it does not exist.
    At line:18 char:15
    + $filetofind = Get-Content C:\Image.log
    +               ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (C:\Image.log:String) [Get-Content], ItemNotFoundException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : PathNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetContentCommand


Test-Path 会检查文件是否存在,Select-String 可用于搜索字符串的文件,使用 -Quiet 参数将使命令返回 True 如果找到字符串,而不是返回文本文件中包含该字符串的每一行.

Test-Path will check if a file exists, and Select-String can be used to search the file for a string, using the -Quiet param will make the command return True if the string is found, rather than returning each line in the text file that includes the string.

然后在简单的 if 语句中使用这两个命令来检查它们的状态:

Then using both commands in simple if statements to check their status:

$file = "C:\Image.log"
$searchtext = "imaging completed"

if (Test-Path $file)
    if (Get-Content $file | Select-String $searchtext -Quiet)
        #text exists in file
        #text does not exist in file
#file does not exist

要在多台计算机上检查文件,您需要使用 foreach 循环在每台计算机上分别运行代码.下面假设您在 hostnames.txt 中每行有一个主机名.

To check the file on multiple computers you need to use a foreach loop to run the code against each computer separately. The below assumes you have one hostname per line in hostnames.txt.

$hostnames = Get-Content "C:\hostnames.txt"
$searchtext = "imaging completed"

foreach ($hostname in $hostnames)
    $file = "\\$hostname\C$\GhostImage.log"

    if (Test-Path $file)
        if (Get-Content $file | Select-String $searchtext -quiet)
            Write-Host "$hostname: Imaging Completed"
            Write-Host "$hostname: Imaging not completed"
        Write-Host "$hostname: canot read file: $file"


07-26 07:17