




 < td style =width:20px; height:17px;> 
< span style =font-family:Arial; font-size:11px;> foo-bar-baz @examp< / span>
< / td>


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 < textField isStretchWithOverflow =truehyperlinkType =None> 
< reportElement style =Report Sub-Titlex =0y =84width =802height =20/>
< textElement />
< textFieldExpression class =java.lang.String><![CDATA [期间...]]>< / textFieldExpression>
< / textField>

恐怕我不知道Jasper报告的任何功能会允许动态调整大小列的宽度 - 这可能是HTML的意义之一,但对于其他输出格式(例如PDF)没什么意义。

I have some Jasper reports which are displayed in HTML format. I would like the width of the columns in the HTML tables to automatically resize to fit the content of the widest cell (in that column), such that all the data is displayed.

Currently this does not happen because the HTML generated by Jasper specifies fixed widths for the <table> and some <td> elements, e.g.

<td style="width: 20px; height: 17px;">
  <span style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 11px;">foo-bar-baz@examp</span>

I can't simply remove all these width properties (using JavaScript), because (as shown in the HTML above) any data that would be hidden when using these widths is not even returned to the client-side



While not perfect, you could flag the field to stretch with overflow. This would at least give you all the data. In your jrxml file it would be similar to:

<textField isStretchWithOverflow="true" hyperlinkType="None">
<reportElement style="Report Sub-Title" x="0" y="84" width="802" height="20"/>
<textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA["For the period ...]]></textFieldExpression>

I'm afraid I don't know of any feature of Jasper reports that would allow the dynamic resizing of column widths - It is probably one of those things that makes sense for HTML but little sense for other output formats such as PDF.


07-26 07:11