


I've read through many of the questions on SO about this, but many answers contradict each other or I don't understand.


You should always store a password as a hash, never as plain text.But should you store the salt (unique for each user) next to the hashed password+salt in the database. This doesn't seem very clever to me as couldn't someone gain access to the database, look for says the account called Admin or whatever and then work out the password from that?



A lot of people are saying "to stop rainbow tables" without explaining what rainbow tables do or why this stops them.

彩虹表是一种聪明的方法,可以预先计算大量的哈希并将其存储在比天真的需要的更少的内存中,您可以使用它们非常快速地反转哈希.诸如hash = md5(password)hash = sha1(password)之类的裸函数表是常见的.

Rainbow tables are a clever way of precomputing a large number of hashes and storing them in less memory than would naively be required, and you can use them to very quickly reverse a hash. Tables for bare functions such as hash = md5(password) and hash = sha1(password) are common.

但是,可以为任何哈希函数生成它们,可以将其描述为output = f(input).如果对所有用户密码(例如hash = md5(salt+password))使用站点范围内的盐,则可以构造函数ff(password) = md5(salt+password).因此,您可以为此功能生成彩虹表,这会花费很长时间,但随后会让您非常快速地破解数据库中的每个密码.

However, they can be generated for ANY hash function which can be described as output = f(input). If you use a site-wide salt for all user passwords, for example hash = md5(salt+password), you could construct a function f, f(password) = md5(salt+password). Therefore you could generate rainbow tables for this function, which would take a long time, but would then let you crack every single password in the database very rapidly.


If the salt is different for each password, you can't generate a rainbow table that will crack all passwords in the database. You could generate a new one for every user but that would be pointless - naive brute-forcing would be no slower. So having a seperate salt for each user stops the rainbow tables attack.


There are several ways to do accomplish this. Popular ways include:

  • 为每个用户单独存储的盐,与其他详细信息一起存储在数据库中:hash = hashfunction(salt + password)
  • 全局盐和每个用户的一些唯一值:例如hash = hashfunction(salt + password + user_id)
  • 全局盐和按用户使用的盐:hash = hashfunction(global_salt + user_salt + password)
  • A separate salt for each user, stored alongside their other details in the database: hash = hashfunction(salt + password)
  • A global salt and some unique value per user: hash = hashfunction(salt + password + user_id) for example
  • A global salt and a per-user salt: hash = hashfunction(global_salt + user_salt + password)


Having a global salt could add a little extra complexity to cracking the passwords, as it could be stored outside of the database (in the code, for example) which attackers may not gain access to in the event of a database breach. Cryptographically I don't think it adds much, but in practice it could slow them down.



Storing the salt alongside the user data does not weaken the hash. Hash functions are one-way: Given the hash of a password, even an unsalted one, it is very difficult to find that password. The motivation behind salting is not to make an individual hash more secure, but to make the collection of multiple hashes more secure. There are several vectors of attack for a collection of unsalted hashes:

  • 彩虹桌
  • 散列常用密码(123passwordgod)并查看数据库中是否存在任何密码,然后破坏这些帐户
  • 在数据库中查找相同的哈希,这意味着(可能)相同的密码
  • Rainbow tables
  • Hashing common passwords (123, password, god) and seeing if any exist in the database, and then compromise those accounts
  • Look for identical hashes in the database, which means identical passwords (probably)


07-26 06:17