


I'm wondering what the best method is for creating a forgot password function on a website. I have seen quite a few out there, here are a few or combination of:

  • 密码问题/答案(1 个或多个)
  • 使用新密码发送电子邮件
  • 在屏幕上输入新密码
  • 通过电子邮件确认:必须点击链接以获取新密码
  • 要求用户输入新密码的页面


What combination or additional steps would you add to a forgot password function? I'm wondering about how they request the new password and how they end up getting it.


I'm operating on the principal that the password cannot be retrieved; a new password must be given/generated.

编辑 我喜欢 Cory 所说的关于如果用户名存在则不显示的内容,但我想知道该显示什么.我在想一半的问题是用户忘记了他们使用的电子邮件地址,显示某种不存在"的消息很有用.有什么解决办法吗?

Edit I like what Cory said about not displaying if the username exists, but I'm wondering what to display instead. I'm thinking half the problem is that the user forgot which email address they used, which displaying some sort of "does not exist" message is useful. Any solutions?


  1. 我个人会发送一封电子邮件,其中包含指向短期页面的链接,以便他们设置新密码.将页面名称设为某种 UID.
  2. 如果这对您没有吸引力,那么也可以向他们发送新密码并强制他们在首次访问时更改密码.

选项 1 要容易得多.

Option 1 is far easier.


07-26 06:16