本文介绍了如何将具有Angular v7的Web应用程序迁移到移动NativeScript应用程序的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我使用Angular v7制作了一个简单的Web应用程序,并希望将其迁移到NativeScript移动应用程序中.

I made a simple web app with Angular v7 and I want to migrate it to a NativeScript mobile app .

我按照 https:中的说明进行操作: //docs.nativescript.org/angular/code-sharing/migrating-a-web-project#migrating-components ,但我遇到了困难.

I followed the instructions in https://docs.nativescript.org/angular/code-sharing/migrating-a-web-project#migrating-components but I am facing a difficulty.


The app is running in my Android mobile phone but it does not show the content because I need to adjust it properly for a mobile app. It shows auto-generated works. The problem is I do not know how I can do adjust properly the code since I cannot find a properly doc. Any help?

我在 app.component.html 中的代码:

<!--The content below is only a placeholder and can be replaced.-->
<div style="text-align:center">
    Welcome to {{ title }}!


我在 weather-search.component.html 中的代码:

<section class="weather-search">
    <form (ngSubmit)="onSubmit(f)" #f="ngForm">
        <div class="test_up">
            <label for="city" class="city">City</label>
            <input name="location" type="text" id="city" ngModel required>
        <div class="test_down">
            <label for="countryCode" class="city">Country Code</label>
            <input name="countryCode" type="text" id="code" ngModel required>
        <button type="submit">Add City</button>
    <button (click)="onClickLocationData(f)">Get geolocation</button>
    <label for="latitude" class="map" *ngIf="latitude!=0">Latitude: {{latitude}} </label>
    <label for="longitude" class="map" *ngIf="longitude!=0">Longitude: {{longitude}} </label>
    <div id="map" class="mapLocation"></div>

我在 weather-list.component.html 中的代码:

<section class="weather-list">
    <weather-item *ngFor="let weatherItem of weatherItems" [item]="weatherItem"></weather-item>

我在 weather-item.component.html 中的代码:

<article class="weather-element">
    <div class="col-1">
        <h3>{{ weatherItem.cityName }}</h3>
        <p class="info">{{ weatherItem.description }}</p>
    <div class="col-2">
        <span class="temperature">{{ weatherItem.temperature }}°C</span>



As that document suggests as well, you have to create component.tns.html file as and other HTML elements are not available for mobile.

在.tns.html文件中,您可以用StackLayout或GridLayout替换.您可以参考 https://www.nslayouts.com/了解有关{NS}布局的更多信息.

In your .tns.html file, you can replace with either StackLayout or GridLayout. You can refer to https://www.nslayouts.com/ to learn more about {NS} layouts.

在您的 weather-list.component.tns.html 中:

<StackLayout class="weather-list">
    <weather-item *ngFor="let weatherItem of weatherItems" [item]="weatherItem"></weather-item>
</StackLayout >


<StackLayout class="weather-element">
            <Label text="{{ weatherItem.cityName }}"></Label>
            <Label text="{{ weatherItem.description }}"></Label>
            <Label text="{{ weatherItem.temperature }}"></Label>

这篇关于如何将具有Angular v7的Web应用程序迁移到移动NativeScript应用程序的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-20 18:02