

此评论之后对于我的一个问题,我在考虑使用具有 X 模式的数据库是否更好,反之亦然.

After this comment to one of my questions, I'm thinking if it is better using one database with X schemas or vice versa.

我正在开发一个 Web 应用程序,当人们注册时,我创建(实际上)一个数据库(不,它不是社交网络:每个人都必须有权访问自己的数据,并且永远不会看到其他用户的数据).这就是我用于我的应用程序的先前版本(仍在 MySQL 上运行)的方式:通过 Plesk API,对于每次注册,我都这样做:

I'm developing a web application where, when people register, I create (actually) a database (no, it's not a social network: everyone must have access to his own data and never see the data of the other user). That's the way I used for the previous version of my application (that is still running on MySQL): through the Plesk API, for every registration, I do:

  1. 创建一个权限有限的数据库用户;
  2. 创建一个只能由之前创建的用户和超级用户(用于维护)访问的数据库
  3. 填充数据库

现在,我需要对 PostgreSQL 做同样的事情(项目越来越成熟,MySQL 不能满足所有需求).我需要让所有的数据库/模式备份都是独立的:pg_dump 在两种方式下都能完美运行,对于可以配置为仅访问一个模式或一个数据库的用户也是如此.

Now, I'll need to do the same with PostgreSQL (the project is getting mature and MySQL don't fulfil all the needs). I need to have all the databases/schemas backups independent: pg_dump works perfectly in both ways, and the same for the users that can be configured to access just one schema or one database.

那么,假设您是比我更有经验的 PostgreSQL 用户,您认为最适合我的情况的解决方案是什么,为什么?使用 $x 数据库而不是 $x 模式会有性能差异吗?将来什么解决方案会更好地维护(可靠性)?我所有的数据库/模式将总是具有相同的结构!

So, assuming you are more experienced PostgreSQL users than me, what do you think is the best solution for my situation, and why? Will there be performance differences using $x database instead of $x schemas? And what solution will be better to maintain in the future (reliability)? All of my databases/schemas will always have the same structure!

对于备份问题(使用 pg_dump),使用一个数据库和多个模式可能更好,一次转储所有模式:恢复将非常简单,在开发机器中加载主转储,然后只转储和恢复模式需要:还有一个额外的步骤,但转储所有模式似乎比一个一个转储更快.

For the backups issue (using pg_dump), is maybe better using one database and many schemas, dumping all the schemas at once: recovering will be quite simple loading the main dump in a development machine and then dump and restore just the schema needed: there is one additional step, but dumping all the schema seem faster than dumping them one by one.


Well, the application structure and design changed so much during those last two years. I'm still using the "one db with many schemas" -approach, but still, I have one database for each version of my application:

Db myapp_01
    \_ my_customer_foo_schema
    \_ my_customer_bar_schema
Db myapp_02
    \_ my_customer_foo_schema
    \_ my_customer_bar_schema

对于备份,我定期转储每个数据库,然后在开发服务器上移动备份.我也在使用 PITR/WAL 备份,但正如我之前所说,我不太可能必须一次恢复所有数据库.所以今年可能会被驳回(在我的情况下不是最好的方法).

For backups, I'm dumping each database regularly, and then moving the backups on the development server. I'm also using the PITR/WAL backup but, as I said before, it's not likely I'll have to restore all database at once. So it will probably be dismissed this year (in my situation is not the best approach).


The one-db-many-schema approach worked very well for me since now, even if the application structure is totally changed. I almost forgot: all of my databases/schemas will always have the same structure! Now, every schema has its own structure that change dynamically reacting to users data flow.


PostgreSQL架构"与 MySQL数据库"大致相同.在 PostgreSQL 安装上有许多数据库可能会出现问题;拥有许多模式将毫无问题地工作.因此,您肯定希望在该数据库中使用一个数据库和多个架构.

A PostgreSQL "schema" is roughly the same as a MySQL "database". Having many databases on a PostgreSQL installation can get problematic; having many schemas will work with no trouble. So you definitely want to go with one database and multiple schemas within that database.


08-13 23:36