


What can be the problem with following connectionStrings

string constr = @"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;
Data Source=\\otherPCName\SmoeSharedFolder\test.mdb;";

string constr = @"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;
Data Source=\\192.168.14\SmoeSharedFolder\test.mdb;";

当我在该计算机上访问数据库 otherCP

No Problem with following connection String, when i access database on that PC otherCP

string constr = @"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;
Data Source=D:\SmoeSharedFolder\test.mdb;";


Also I can open a text file from other PC using this path. This tells the path should be valid



I have seen connection strings for network so I think they should work but how?


string constr = @"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;
Data Source=\\otherPCName\SmoeSharedFolder\test.mdb;";

string constr = @"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;
Data Source=\\\SmoeSharedFolder\test.mdb;";

两个字符串均有效,可以从网络PC访问数据库。如果您的数据库文件存在于您具有权限 =>的文件夹中,则该文件夹位于共享文件夹中。 仅在您具有写权限的情况下,您才可以写(更新/插入)

Both strings are valid to access database from a network PC. If your database file exists in a folder to which you have permissions => Exists in a Shared folder. You will be able to write (update/insert) only if you have write permissions as well.

我遇到错误无法打开指定的文件。因为我在使用 otherPCName 和IP 192.168.14 时都遇到问题。 (对于其他pcname,我使用的是sampc,但它是sam-pc)。

I was getting error specified file cannot be opened. Because I had problem both in using otherPCName and IP 192.168.14. (For otherpcname I was using sampc but it was sam-pc).


07-26 05:22