


I have data which doesn't appear to have consistent spacings or positioning. It looks like:

1675 C Street , Suite 201
Anchorage   AK  99501
61.205475   -149.886882
600 Azalea Road
Mobile    AL      36609
30.656824   -88.148781
1601 Harbor Bay Parkway , Suite 150
Alameda   CA    94502
37.726114   -122.240546
1900 Point West Way,  Suite 270
Sacramento      CA  95815
38.5994175  -121.4315844
3600 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1500
Los Angeles   CA    90010
34.06153    -118.303463


From this I'd like to extract the street address, city name, state, zip code, lat, and long. I thought the following code would work, but it produces very weird results.

data voa;
    input Address $50.;
    input City $ State $ Zip;
    input Latitude Longitude;


I think the issue comes from the fact that there isn't consistent spacing or positioning of the elements.


您的数据可以使用 LIST 输入正常工作,您只需要添加查找双分隔符选项"&到 CITY 再加上它需要多一点 16 美元左右.

Your data will work fine using LIST input you just need to add the "look for double delimiter option" & to CITY plus it need to be a bit longer $16 or so.

input City &$16. State $ Zip;


08-29 05:32