

我有一个带有Angular 5的小型Web应用程序,突然之间,我在浏览器控制台中收到了一条奇怪的错误消息:

I have a little web app with Angular 5 and out of a sudden I am getting this strange error message in my browser console:

ncaught Error: Template parse errors:
No provider for ControlContainer ("
<form class="container" (ngSubmit)="update()">
  [ERROR ->]<app-form-group-component
      <button "): ng:///AppModule/KickoffComponent.html@4:2


That did not happen before and I am not aware of any made changes. And I have no idea what that message tries to tell me.


This is the component template of form-group which seems to be invalid somehow:

<div *ngFor='let e of formGroup' class="form-group">
<label for="{{e.key}}">{{e.label}}</label>
<input type="{{e.type}}" name="{{e.key}}"
[(ngModel)]="e.value" class="form-control"
[ngClass]='{"is-valid": e.valid === true && e.required === true}'


And this is the template where I consume form-group:

<form class="container" (ngSubmit)="update()">
 <app-form-group-component [formGroup]="additionalInformation"></app-form-group-component>
  <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Submit</button>
<app-notification [notification]="notification"></app-notification>


I stared at it for hours, but I can't find any mistake.


I should mention that I don't use Angular's FormGroup but my own solution (because I thought theirs to be overengineered and it didn't fit my specific needs). Could there be some kind of name collision? Of course, in the app.module I have imported the FormsModule for two-way binding to work and to intercept the form's submit.The notification-component at least works without complaints.


I would be very greatful for any help.


I was asked to share my TS code.


import { Component, Input } from '@angular/core';
import { FormGroup } from '../../models/form-group';

  selector: 'app-form-group-component',
  templateUrl: './form-group.component.html',
export class FormGroupComponent {
  @Input() formGroup?: FormGroup

FormGroup 类型只是一个数组,而该组件仅是可视包装器.没有涉及其他服务或DI,并且没有该组件,Angular编译就很好.( formGroup 被标记为可选,因为TS会一直抱怨它未被初始化,尽管在运行时它将始终被初始化)

The type FormGroup is just an Array and the component is just meant to be a visual wrapper.There are no additional services involved or DI and without that component Angular compiles just fine.(formGroup is marked as optional because TS would keep complaining about it not being initialized, although at runtime it will always be initialized)


import { Component, OnInit } from "@angular/core";
import { additionalInformation } from "./additional-information";
import { basicInformation } from "./basic-information";

  selector: "app-kickoff",
  templateUrl: "./kickoff.component.html",
export class KickoffComponent implements OnInit {
  basicInformation: FormGroup = basicInformation;
  additionalInformation: FormGroup = additionalInformation;


To answer @Andrei's question: I have no service or provider called ControlContainer. I just have three small services, none of them causes any trouble. As far as I can tell, ControlContainer has something to do with DI, but Angular's documentation on that topic is rather mystifying.



The ControlContainer is a abstract class which is extended by the AbstractFormGroupDirective inside the ReactiveFormsModule.


The error is thrown if you're using the ReactiveFormsModule and a <form>-element without a FormGroup bound to it via [formGroup]="myForm".


To fix this error you have to create a FormGroup and bind it to your form:

<form class="container" [formGroup]="myForm" (ngSubmit)="update()">


08-24 19:02