本文介绍了Bug OpenGL中球体的UV坐标?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!




T = trinagles,Nv =顶点法线。

  for(int i = 0; i  {
float tx1 = atan2(Nv [T [i] .v1] .x,Nv [T [i] .v1] .z)/(2.0f * M_PI)+ 0.5f;
float ty1 = asinf(Nv [T [i] .v1] .y)/ M_PI + 0.5f;

float tx2 = atan2(Nv [T [i] .v2] .x,Nv [T [i] .v2] .z)/(2.0f * M_PI)+ 0.5f;
float ty2 = asinf(Nv [T [i] .v2] .y)/ M_PI + 0.5f;

float tx3 = atan2(Nv [T [i] .v3] .x,Nv [T [i] .v3] .z)/(2.0f * M_PI)+ 0.5f;
float ty3 = asinf(Nv [T [i] .v3] .y)/ M_PI + 0.5f;

float n = 0.75f; (tx2< n& tx1> n)
tx2 + = 1.0;

else if(tx2> n& tx1< n)
tx2 - = 1.0; (tx3< n& tx2> n)
tx3 + = 1.0;

else if(tx3>& tx2< n)
tx3 - = 1.0;

out_UV [T [i] .v1] .u = tx1;
out_UV [T [i] .v1] .v = ty1;

out_UV [T [i] .v2] .u = tx2;
out_UV [T [i] .v2] .v = ty2;

out_UV [T [i] .v3] .u = tx3;
out_UV [T [i] .v3] .v = ty3;


![enter]描述] [1]

正如您在图中所看到的,我的代码正在球体的一侧生成长条。解决方案在这里.. http://sol.gfxile.net/sphere/index.html但无法弄清楚..我该如何解决这个问题?任何建议?


$ b $ pre $ for(int i = 0; i {
out_UV [i] .u =(float)atan2(Nv [i] .x,Nv [i] .z)/(2.0f * M_PI)+ 0.5f;
out_UV [i] .v =(float)(asin(Nv [i] .y)/ M_PI)+ 0.5f;

float nx = 0.9f;
float nv = 0.8f; (out_UV [i] .u-out_UV [i + 1] .u> nx)$($)的
(int i = 0; i {
b $ b out_UV [i + 1] .u + = 1.0f; (out_UV [i + 1] .u -out_UV [i] .u> nx)
out_UV [i] .u + = 1.0f; (out_UV [i] .u -out_UV [i + 2] .u> nx)
out_UV [i + 2] .u + = 1.0f;

。 (out_UV [i + 2] .u -out_UV [i] .u> nx)
out_UV [i] .u + = 1.0f; (out_UV [i + 1] .u-out_UV [i + 2] .u> nx)
out_UV [i + 2] .u + = 1.0f;

。 (out_UV [i + 2] .u -out_UV [i + 1] .u> nx)
out_UV [i + 1] .u + = 1.0f; (out_UV [i] .v -out_UV [i + 1] .v> nv)
out_UV [i + 1] .v + = 1.0f;

。 (out_UV [i + 1] .v -out_UV [i] .v> nv)
out_UV [i] .v + = 1.0f; (out_UV [i] .v-out_UV [i + 2] .v> nv)
out_UV [i + 2] .v + = 1.0f;

。 (out_UV [i + 2] .v-out_UV [i] .v> nv)
out_UV [i] .v + = 1.0f; (out_UV [i + 1] .v-out_UV [i + 2] .v> nv)
out_UV [i + 2] .v + = 1.0f;

。 (out_UV [i + 2] .v -out_UV [i + 1] .v> nv)
out_UV [i + 1] .v + = 1.0f;

如果我把地球的水平切片伸展一下,x texcoords看起来像这样;

  0.7 0.8 0.9 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 
| ------ | ------ | ---- - | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ |
| - 在这里包裹

丑接缝来自我用克拉(^)标记的区域。在所有其他顶点之间,纹理坐标可以很好地从 n 插入到 n + 0.1 。然而,在最后一对顶点上,它被插值在 0.9 0 之间,这意味着它翻转并且将整个纹理挤压到单个接缝中(这是您看到的难看的眼泪。)


0.7 0.8 0.9 | 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
| ------ | ------ | ------ | | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ |


I am having buggy texture map on my sphere. The issue is well known but solution is rare.

This is my code for generating UVs for a sphere.

T = trinagles, Nv = vertex normals.

for (int i=0; i<nbF; i++)
    float tx1 = atan2(Nv[T[i].v1].x, Nv[T[i].v1].z) / (2.0f*M_PI) + 0.5f;
    float ty1 = asinf(Nv[T[i].v1].y) / M_PI + 0.5f;

    float tx2 = atan2(Nv[T[i].v2].x, Nv[T[i].v2].z) / (2.0f*M_PI) + 0.5f;
    float ty2 = asinf(Nv[T[i].v2].y) / M_PI + 0.5f;

    float tx3 = atan2(Nv[T[i].v3].x, Nv[T[i].v3].z) / (2.0f*M_PI) + 0.5f;
    float ty3 = asinf(Nv[T[i].v3].y) / M_PI + 0.5f;

    float n = 0.75f;

    if(tx2 < n && tx1 > n)
        tx2 += 1.0;
    else if(tx2 > n && tx1 < n)
        tx2 -= 1.0;

    if(tx3 < n && tx2 > n)
        tx3 += 1.0;
    else if(tx3 > n && tx2 < n)
        tx3 -= 1.0;

    out_UV[T[i].v1].u = tx1;
    out_UV[T[i].v1].v = ty1;

    out_UV[T[i].v2].u = tx2;
    out_UV[T[i].v2].v = ty2;

    out_UV[T[i].v3].u = tx3;
    out_UV[T[i].v3].v = ty3;

Output:http://i.stack.imgur.com/luhgZ.jpg![enter image description here][1]

As you can see in the figure, my code is generating long strip at one side of the sphere. The solution is here .. http://sol.gfxile.net/sphere/index.html but couldn't figure it out.. How can I solve this issue ? any suggestion?

# Update 1:#

This code also doesn't work for me.. I don't know what wrong in it. still the same ugly seam I am getting. ???

for (int i=0; i<nbV; i++)
    out_UV[i].u = (float) atan2(Nv[i].x, Nv[i].z) / (2.0f*M_PI) + 0.5f;
    out_UV[i].v =  (float) (asin(Nv[i].y) / M_PI) + 0.5f;

float nx = 0.9f;
float nv = 0.8f;
for (int i=0; i<nbV-2; i++)
    if (out_UV[i].u - out_UV[i+1].u > nx)
        out_UV[i+1].u += 1.0f;
    if (out_UV[i+1].u - out_UV[i].u > nx)
        out_UV[i].u += 1.0f;

    if (out_UV[i].u - out_UV[i+2].u > nx)
        out_UV[i+2].u += 1.0f;
    if (out_UV[i+2].u - out_UV[i].u > nx)
        out_UV[i].u += 1.0f;

    if (out_UV[i+1].u - out_UV[i+2].u > nx)
        out_UV[i+2].u += 1.0f;
    if (out_UV[i+2].u - out_UV[i+1].u > nx)
        out_UV[i+1].u += 1.0f;

    if (out_UV[i].v - out_UV[i+1].v > nv)
        out_UV[i+1].v += 1.0f;
    if (out_UV[i+1].v - out_UV[i].v > nv)
        out_UV[i].v += 1.0f;

    if (out_UV[i].v - out_UV[i+2].v > nv)
        out_UV[i+2].v += 1.0f;
    if (out_UV[i+2].v - out_UV[i].v > nv)
        out_UV[i].v += 1.0f;

    if (out_UV[i+1].v - out_UV[i+2].v > nv)
        out_UV[i+2].v += 1.0f;
    if (out_UV[i+2].v - out_UV[i+1].v > nv)
        out_UV[i+1].v += 1.0f;

The issue is because you're wrapping texcoords around the sphere.

If I take a horizontal slice of your globe and stretch it out flat, the x texcoords look something like this;

0.7    0.8    0.9     0     0.1    0.2    0.3    0.4
                      |-wrapping around here

The ugly seam comes from the area's I've marked with the carats (^). In between all your other vertices, the texture coordinates are nicely interpolated from n to n+0.1. However on the last pair of vertices, it's being interpolated all the way between 0.9 and 0, meaning that it flips and squishes the entire texture into that single seam (which is the ugly tear you are seeing.

To solve it, what you need to do is to create a duplicate pair of vertices around the seam, with texture coordinate 1.0. These should like directly on top of the original vertices, and they should probably not connect to them. The texcoord should look like this:

0.7    0.8    0.9     |0     0.1    0.2    0.3    0.4

With the 1.0 and the 0 lying on top of each other. Then all areas between vertices will be interpolated evenly.

这篇关于Bug OpenGL中球体的UV坐标?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-23 12:47