


dt <- data.table(id = 1:4, x1 = 10:13, x2=21:24, wt=c(1,0,0.5,0.7))


   id x1 x2  wt
1:  1 10 21 1.0
2:  2 11 22 0.0
3:  3 12 23 0.5
4:  4 13 24 0.7


I would like to replicate observations under the following conditions:

  1. 如果 wt 为0或1,我们分别指定 flag 等于1和0

  2. 如果0< wt <在图1中,我们分配 flag 等于0。此外,我们用 wt = 1-wt 复制此观察值,并分配 flag 等于1。

  1. If wt is 0 or 1, we assign flag equal to 1 and 0, respectively
  2. If 0 < wt < 1, we assign flag equal to 0. Further, we replicate this observation with wt = 1-wt and assign flag equal to 1.


   id x1 x2  wt flag
1:  1 10 21 1.0    0
2:  2 11 22 0.0    1
3:  3 12 23 0.5    0
4:  3 12 23 0.5    1
5:  4 13 24 0.7    0
6:  4 13 24 0.3    1


I have tried with my code

dt[,flag:=ifelse(wt==1,0, ifelse(wt==0, 1, 0))]
dt[,freq:=ifelse(wt > 0 & wt < 1, 2, 1)]
dtr <- dt[rep(1:.N, freq)][,Indx:=1:.N, by = id]
dtr[freq==2&Indx==2, wt:=1-wt]
dtr[,`:=`(freq=NULL, Indx=NULL)]


But, I think it is not efficient.



我们可以更改一些要使其更紧凑的步骤,即删除 ifelse 并通过将逻辑转换为二进制直接使用赋值,复制行而不创建列,然后获取索引(

We can change some of the steps to make it more compact i.e. remove the ifelse and use the assignment directly by converting a logical to binary, replicate the rows without creating a column, then get the index ('i1') to assign the values in 'flag' and 'wt'.

dt1 <- dt[, flag := +(wt == 0)][rep(1:.N, (wt > 0 & wt < 1) +1)][]
i1 <- dt1[, .I[seq_len(.N)==2], id]$V1
dt1[i1, c('flag', 'wt') := .(1, 1-wt)][]
#    id x1 x2  wt flag
#1:  1 10 21 1.0    0
#2:  2 11 22 0.0    1
#3:  3 12 23 0.5    0
#4:  3 12 23 0.5    1
#5:  4 13 24 0.7    0
#6:  4 13 24 0.3    1


09-22 07:27