




I have a directory with a bunch of text files in it. I am creating a new folder inside of the directory to move the text files into and when I am done merging them I want to only move the output file back out to the original directory.


When I create the folder and move the text files into it, it will not let me go inside of the folder and perform my actions. I am stuck on this.


$Path = '*.RemoveFirst\txt'
$PathDump ='C:RemoveFirst\DumpARoo'
$Output = 'C:RemoveFirst\TestingFile.txt'

if(!(Test-Path -Path $PathDump)) {
    New-Item -ItemType Directory $PathDump
elseif (Test-Path -Path $PathDump){
    Move-Item $Path -Destination $PathDump # move (not copy) files into new directory to concat
    Get-Item $PathDump | ForEach-Object {
        Get-Content $_ |
        Select-Object -Skip 1 |
        Select-Object -SkipLast 1 |
        Add-Content $OutPut
    Write-Host 'This already exists'


您的路径似乎有误.$Path 应该是 'C:\RemoveFirst\*.txt' 并且您定义的其他两个路径在驱动器冒号后缺少反斜杠.

Your paths seem wrong. $Path should be 'C:\RemoveFirst\*.txt' and the other two paths you define are missing a backslash after the drive colon.

接下来,我没有看到 elseif 中的逻辑,因为当您第一次测试并得出结论 $PathDump 路径不存在时,您创建了它.这应该足以继续执行代码,无需使用 elsif needed 测试路径是否存在.

Next, I don't see the logic in the elseif because when you first test and conclude the $PathDump path does not exist, you create it. That should be enough to continue with the code, no testing if the path exists using elsif needed .


$Path     = 'C:\RemoveFirst\*.txt'
$PathDump = 'C:\RemoveFirst\DumpARoo'
$Output   = 'C:\RemoveFirst\TestingFile.txt'

if(!(Test-Path -Path $PathDump)) {
    # create the folder if it does not yet exist
    $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory $PathDump
# move all *.txt items from 'C:\RemoveFirst\txt' to 'C:\RemoveFirst\DumpARoo'
Move-Item $Path -Destination $PathDump # move (not copy) files into new directory to concat
Get-ChildItem -Path $PathDump -Filter '*.txt' -File | ForEach-Object {
    $_ | Get-Content |
    Select-Object -Skip 1 |
    Select-Object -SkipLast 1 |
    Add-Content -Path $OutPut


07-26 03:59