I have a little problem, this is the last thing I have to do before I can finish my project.
我有一个来自女巫的随机密钥生成器,运行正常, 现在我添加了一个保存按钮来保存已生成的密钥,当您单击保存"时,它会打开通过右键单击项目中的我添加的新表格 解决方案资源管理器,然后单击添加新项.
I have a from witch is a random key generator, works perfectly, now what I did is added a save button to save the key that has been generated, when you click save it opens a new form which I added by right clicking on my project in the solution explorer and clicking add new item.
现在我有2种形式,我添加的第二种形式是我添加的自定义消息框,您可以在其中选择保存在名称下生成的密钥,您所要做的就是键入您想要的名称保存为您,然后应该将其保存在记事本中 像这样的文档
Now I have 2 forms, the second for I added is a custom message box I added, where you can choose to save the key you generated under a name, all you have to do is type in the name you want it to save as for you and then it is supposed to save it in the notepad doc like this
Instead of just numbers and you don’t know what or who it has been used for
So the problem I have is that it doesn’t do that
Here is the code I had in the 1st form (where I just saved the code and didn’t have a second form to save it under a name)
字符串tempFile = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop)+" \\ Password. txt";
; 如果(!File.Exists(tempFile))
if (!File.Exists(tempFile))
; System.IO.File.WriteAllText(tempFile,textBox1.Text);
System.IO.File.WriteAllText(tempFile, textBox1.Text);
; else
; System.IO.File.AppendAllText(tempFile,``\ r \ n''+ textBox1.Text);
System.IO.File.AppendAllText(tempFile, "\r\n" + textBox1.Text);
添加第二个表单时,我将表单1上的保存按钮更改为此代码以打开form2 CustomMsgBox formcustommsgbox =新 CustomMsgBox ();
When I added the second form, I changed the save button on form 1 to this code to open form2CustomMsgBox formcustommsgbox =new CustomMsgBox();
; formcustommsgbox.Show();
Then in form2’s save button I have this (Which doesn’t work because I can’t link the 2 forms or I can’t get the second form to use the text from form1’s textbox)
I tried {get, set} and making it a public sting <-- ummm, no commen :-/
private 无效 savebtn_Click(对象发件人, EventArgs e)
privatevoid savebtn_Click(object sender,EventArgs e)
如果(saveastextBox.Text.Length> = 1)
if (saveastextBox.Text.Length >= 1)
字符串 tempFile = 环境 .GetFolderPath(环境. SpecialFolder .Desktop)+&; \\ Password.txt"";
string tempFile = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop) +"\\Password.txt";
如果(!文件 .Exists(tempFile))
if (!File.Exists(tempFile))
System.IO.文件 .WriteAllText(tempFile,saveastextBox.Text);
System.IO.File.WriteAllText(tempFile, saveastextBox.Text);
System.IO.文件 .AppendAllText(tempFile," \ r \ n" + saveastextBox.Text + 我的第一种形式的文本格式textbox1:-/);
System.IO.File.AppendAllText(tempFile, "\r\n" + saveastextBox.Text + the text form textbox1 in my first form :-/);
其他 MessageBox .显示(" ;请使用名称");
else MessageBox.Show("Please save the generated key under a name");