I have a Django admin form.And now I want to fill it's initial field with data based on my model. So I tried this:
class OrderForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Order
email = CharField(initial="null", widget=Textarea(attrs={'rows': 30, 'cols': 100}))
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.request = kwargs.pop('request', None)
products = kwargs['instance'].products.all()
self.message = purchase_message % (
"".join(["<li>" + p.name + ": " + str(p.price) + "</li>" for p in products]),
reduce(lambda x, y:x + y.price, products, 0)
# and here I have a message in self.message variable
super(OrderForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
At this point i don't know how to access email field to set it's initial value before widget is rendered. How can i do this?
I'm not too sure what you need to set email to, but You can set the initial values in lots of different places.
您的函数 def init()缩进不正确,我猜这是一个错字?另外,为什么要专门为电子邮件表单字段提供 TextInput ?默认情况下,它已经呈现了此小部件
Your function def init() isn't indented correctly which i guess is a typo? Also, why are you specifically giving the email form field a TextInput? It already renders this widget by default
您可以在表单的初始化后设置电子邮件的初始值( def __ init __(self))
You can set the email's initial value in your form's initialized (def __ init __(self))
(self.fields['email'].widget).initial_value = "something"
email = models.CharField(default="something")
or as you have in forms.py
email = models.CharField(initial="something")
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