(甚至在Angular 7中也确认了问题).让我们解决这个问题!
(Confirmed an issue even with Angular 7). Let's get this fixed!
我正在使用此处设置的HMR: https://
I'm using HMR as set up here: https://github.com/angular/angular-cli/wiki/stories-configure-hmr from a fresh ng new
If I change any component and make it lazy loaded, angular HMR will hot-reload everything, making the page sync slower.
I know this because it's by default set-up to console.log
every module that is being reloaded, and when I'm using a lazy route, it logs everything. But when I change that component to non-lazy-loaded, it logs only a few small components.
Therefore, when I'm using HMR and lazy routes, my app takes a few more seconds to refresh. This is annoying.
Is there any way around this?
(Lazy loading routes is accomplished by something like this)
// Main homepage
path: '',
loadChildren: './public/home/home.module#HomeModule'
// ...
(just an example to show I am lazy-loading the right way)
Here's some logging to show what happens when I lazy load the home.component.ts
// Everything here is normal, great!
[HMR] - ../../../../../src/app/public/home/home.component.html
log.js:23 [HMR] - ../../../../../src/app/public/home/home.component.ts
log.js:23 [HMR] - ../../../../../src/app/public/home/home.module.ts
log.js:23 [HMR] - ../../../../../src/app/public/home/home.routing.ts
// Everything below here is NOT normal, bad! All this is extra. These are my modules, yes, but all this needs to be loaded again?
log.js:23 [HMR] - ../../../../../src/$$_lazy_route_resource lazy recursive
log.js:23 [HMR] - ../../../core/esm5/core.js
log.js:23 [HMR] - ../../../platform-browser-dynamic/esm5/platform-browser-dynamic.js
log.js:23 [HMR] - ../../../common/esm5/common.js
log.js:23 [HMR] - ../../../platform-browser/esm5/platform-browser.js
log.js:23 [HMR] - ../../../router/esm5/router.js
log.js:23 [HMR] - ../../../../../src/app/shared/shared.module.ts
log.js:23 [HMR] - ../../../common/esm5/http.js
log.js:23 [HMR] - ../../../../../src/app/features/proxy-http-interceptor/proxy-http-interceptor.ts
log.js:23 [HMR] - ../../../../../src/app/shared/unauthorized-http-interceptor.ts
log.js:23 [HMR] - ../../../../../src/app/features/auth/auth.service.ts
log.js:23 [HMR] - ../../../../../src/app/features/user/user.service.ts
log.js:23 [HMR] - ../../../../@auth0/angular-jwt/index.js
log.js:23 [HMR] - ../../../../@auth0/angular-jwt/src/jwt.interceptor.js
log.js:23 [HMR] - ../../../../@auth0/angular-jwt/src/jwthelper.service.js
log.js:23 [HMR] - ../../../../@auth0/angular-jwt/src/jwtoptions.token.js
log.js:23 [HMR] - ../../../../../src/app/shared/container.directive.ts
log.js:23 [HMR] - ../../../flex-layout/esm5/flex-layout.es5.js
A ton more logging
此不建议使用angular-cli Wiki页面: https://github.com. com/angular/angular-cli/issues/14053
当前不支持Angular-HMR +惰性路由: https://github. com/PatrickJS/angular-hmr/issues/76
Angular-HMR + lazy routes is currently not supported: https://github.com/PatrickJS/angular-hmr/issues/76
有关有效且不平凡的解决方案,请查看 https://github.com/wags1999/angular-hmr-lazy-components
For a working and non-trivial solution, have a look to https://github.com/wags1999/angular-hmr-lazy-components
这篇关于带有延迟加载路由的Angular CLI HMR可热重新加载整个内容的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!