


I have three lists which contains three same properties in each collection. I want to combine a result into one collection. Ex classes structure is as below

public class Order
    public int ProductId { get; set; }
    public int CustomerId { get; set; }
    public int OrderId { get; set; }

    // Few other Properties of OrderDetail
public class PaymentDetail
    public int ProductId { get; set; }
    public int CustomerId { get; set; }
    public int OrderId { get; set; }
    // Few other Properties form PaymentDetail

public class CouponUsageDetail
    public int ProductId { get; set; }
    public int CustomerId { get; set; }
    public int OrderId { get; set; }
    // Few other Properties form CouponUsageDetail


This type of output is coming from one API service where each class is in form of list object (JSON format) and we need to perform some operations on this. All three properties (ProductId,CustomerId, OrderId) contains same values in each collection which means all three properties are repeated in each collection. We need to perform some look ups on these collections. So in normal way what we can do with it is as - start a foreach from Order list and filter all three matching properties of PaymentDetail and CouponUsageDetail. But it would be costlier in term of performance when the data size is increased. So thought of making nesting structure upfront and avoid lookups. If we make the output nested as below this will help to avoid lookups on PaymentDetail and CouponUsageDetail.Ex - we are receiving JOSN in below format



and with this output we want to form object as

public class OrderDetails
    public int ProductId { get; set; }
    public int CustomerId { get; set; }
    public int OrderId { get; set; }
    // Few other Properties of OrderDetail

    List<PaymentDetail> PaymentDetail { get; set; }
    List<CouponUsageDetail> CouponUsageDetail { get; set; }

您能指导linq的最佳最佳使用方法是什么,我们可以将所有这三个匹配的属性组合在一起并使其更好地只是一个嵌套结构?谢谢你! 注意:我知道此结构需要规范化,但是由于我们不在控制范围之内,因此请在此处忽略规范化规则.

Can you guide, what would be the best optimum usage of linq where we can combine all these three matching properties and make it just one nested structure better?Thank You! Note: I know this structure needs to be normalized but please ignore the normalization rule here as this is not in our control.


您在描述什么,就像两个标准的多键LINQ 组联接.它们非常有效(LINQ to Objects实现使用准备好的基于快速哈希的查找),因此不需要进一步的优化:

What are you describing sounds like two standard multi-key LINQ group joins. They are quite efficient (LINQ to Objects implementation uses prepared fast hash based lookups), so no further optimizations are needed:

var orderDetails = (
    from o in data.Orders
    join p in data.PaymentDetails
        on new { o.ProductId, o.CustomerId, o.OrderId }
        equals new { p.ProductId, p.CustomerId, p.OrderId }
        into orderPaymentDetails
    join c in data.CouponUsageDetails
        on new { o.ProductId, o.CustomerId, o.OrderId }
        equals new { c.ProductId, c.CustomerId, c.OrderId }
        into orderCouponUsageDetails
    select new OrderDetails
        ProductId = o.ProductId,
        CustomerId = o.CustomerId,
        OrderId = o.OrderId,
        // Few other Properties of OrderDetail
        PaymentDetail = orderPaymentDetails.ToList(),
        CouponUsageDetail = orderCouponUsageDetails.ToList(),


08-14 00:40