


I need to set a custom style not for all, but some columns in a nattable. I can't set the configuration like this:

natTable.addConfiguration(new DefaultNatTableStyleConfiguration());


because this sets the configuration to the whole table. I have to override the configuration only to specific columns. In my case the columns should have the horizontal align set like this:



How can I achieve this?Thanks!


来自 NatTable设置文档样式

Style style = new Style();
// You can set other attributes here
style.setAttributeValue(CellStyleAttributes.BACKGROUND_COLOR, GUIHelper.COLOR_RED);

    CellConfigAttributes.CELL_STYLE,    // attribute to apply
    style,                  // value of the attribute
    DisplayMode.NORMAL,         // apply during normal rendering

        // apply for all cells with this label

要将CELL_LABEL标签应用于您的列,请遵循 NatTable配置文档

To apply the CELL_LABEL label to your column follow the instructions from NatTable configuration docs

按照总体设计惯例,图层可以在其中添加标签 细胞.为了将标签粘贴到单元,您需要实施 IConfigLabelAccumulator接口.这 每次调用IConfigLabelAccumulator.accumulateConfigLabels() 层.每层都可以将其标签添加到LabelStack.

Following the overall design convention, Layers can add labels to cells. In order to attach a label to a cell(s) you need to implement the IConfigLabelAccumulator interface. The IConfigLabelAccumulator.accumulateConfigLabels() is called on each layer. Every layer can add its labels to the LabelStack.

开箱即用的是最常见的用例,包括但 不限于:

The most common use cases are available out of the box, including but not limited to:

CellOverrideLabelAccumulator-将标签应用于包含 指定的数据值ColumnOverrideLabelAccumulator-应用标签 到列中的所有单元格您可以为您的自定义实现 自己的规则

CellOverrideLabelAccumulator - applies labels to cell(s) containing a specified data value ColumnOverrideLabelAccumulator - applies labels to all cells in a column You can make custom implementations for your own rules


07-26 03:01