

我使用Visual Studio 2010中我按照所有的建议,为全面建成铬小的时间尽可能(http://www.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/build建设铬在Windows -instructions窗口#TOC加速的非编译)(例如,使用precompiled头,组件版本)。不过,我还是构建铬需要2个多小时!更糟的是,如果我在V8的任何变化,它会尝试建立所有的依赖关系(铬具有526 Visual Studio项目,和V8是pretty远远地在依赖关系树)。有什么办法,以加快构建时间?例如,它大约需要20分钟来构建Firefox和Mozilla的支持增量建设,在code(例如SpiderMonkey的)的变化只需要构建模块(这在大约需要1分钟最多)。
我是一个睿i7处理器的机器(2.80千兆赫)上运行的Windows 7专业版(64位)。我可能具有唯一的问题是,由于RAM,这仅仅是一种4GB。任何建议将是多少AP preciated。

I am building Chromium on Windows using Visual Studio 2010. I have followed all of the suggestions for building Chromium in as "little" time as possible (http://www.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/build-instructions-windows#TOC-Accelerating-the-build) (e.g., using precompiled headers, component build). However, still my Chromium build takes more than 2 hours! Worse, if I make any change in the V8, it tries to build all the dependencies (Chromium has 526 Visual Studio Projects, and V8 is pretty far up in the dependency tree). Is there any way to speed up the build times? For example, it takes about 20 minutes to build Firefox, and as Mozilla supports incremental building, changes in the code (e.g., spidermonkey) just requires building that module (which takes about 1 min at the most).I am running Windows 7 Professional (x64) on a Core-i7 machine (2.80 GHz). The only problem I might have would be due to RAM, which is a mere 4GB. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.




In short these are the most useful steps:

  1. 使用真正的多核处理器/酷睿i7

  2. 使用的x64操作系统有至少8 GB RAM。

  3. 打开precompiled头和组件构建。

  4. 使用的src /编译/ some.gyp只加载您所关心的目标。

  5. 禁用防病毒软件.ilk,.PDB,.CC,.h文件



07-26 02:52