



关于 Joel Test 的问题 #1 到 #4 在我看来都是关于正在使用的开发工具和为开发人员提供的支持系统:

  1. 您使用源代码管理吗?
  2. 您能一步完成构建吗?
  3. 您是否每天进行构建?
  4. 您有错误数据库吗?


对于源代码控制,我知道 Subversion 是一个很好的解决方案,如果您是单人商店,您甚至可以使用 SourceGear 的 保险柜.

我将 NAnt 用于我的大型项目,但还没有设置脚本来构建我的安装程序以及运行混淆工具,所有这些都是一个步骤.还有其他建议吗?


对于一个或两个人的团队,已经在 SO 上讨论过您可以使用 FogBugz On Demand,但是还有哪些其他针对小团队的错误跟踪解决方案?

  1. 源代码控制:SubversionMercurialGit
  2. 构建自动化:NAntMSBuild, Maven
  3. 持续集成:CruiseControl.NETContinuumJenkins
  4. 问题跟踪:TracBugzillaGemini(如果必须是 .NET 和免费的)

不要忘记使用 NUnit适合,以及WatiN.>

Questions #1 through #4 on the Joel Test in my opinion are all about the development tools being used and the support system in place for developers:

  1. Do you use source control?
  2. Can you make a build in one step?
  3. Do you make daily builds?
  4. Do you have a bug database?

I'm just curious what free/cheap (but good) tools exist for the small development shops that don't have large bank accounts to use to achieve a positive answer on these questions.

For source control I know Subversion is a great solution, and if you are a one man shop you could even use SourceGear's Vault.

I use NAnt for my larger projects, but have yet to set up a script to build my installers as well as running the obfusication tools all as a single step. Any other suggestions?

If you can answer yes to the building in a single step, I think creating daily builds would be easy, but what tools would you recommend for automating those daily builds?

For a one or two man team, it's already been discussed on SO that you can use FogBugz On Demand, but what other bug tracking solutions exist for small teams?

  1. source control: Subversion or Mercurial or Git
  2. build automation: NAnt, MSBuild, Rake, Maven
  3. continuous integration: CruiseControl.NET or Continuum or Jenkins
  4. issue tracking: Trac, Bugzilla, Gemini (if it must be .NET and free-ish)

Don't forget automated testing with NUnit, Fit, and WatiN.


07-26 01:39