

我想抓取一个页面 - 我正在使用 scrapy 和 python...

I want to scrape a page like - I'm using scrapy and python for the same...


I want to scrape the button which you can see in the below pic (left pic)


当我点击绿色按钮 View Code 时,它会做三件事:

When I click the button in green saying View Code, It does three things:

  1. 重定向到另一个 ID.
  2. 打开一个包含 code
  3. 的弹出窗口
  4. 在同一个页面上显示code,如上图所示右边
  1. Redirect to another id.
  2. Opens a popup containing code
  3. Show the code on the same page as can be seen in the above picon right


How can I scrape the code using scrapy and python framework?



from scrapy.http import Request
from scrapy.item import Item, Field
from scrapy.selector import HtmlXPathSelector
from scrapy.spider import BaseSpider

class VoucherItem(Item):
    voucher_id = Field()
    code = Field()

class CuponationSpider(BaseSpider):
    name = "cuponation"
    allowed_domains = ["cuponation.in"]
    start_urls = ["https://www.cuponation.in/babyoye-coupons"]

    def parse(self, response):
        hxs = HtmlXPathSelector(response)

        crawled_items = hxs.select('//div[@class="six columns voucher-btn"]/a')
        for button in crawled_items:
            voucher_id = button.select('@data-voucher-id').extract()[0]

            item = VoucherItem()
            item['voucher_id'] = voucher_id
            request = Request("https://www.cuponation.in/clickout/index/id/%s" % voucher_id,
                              meta={'item': item})
            yield request

    def parse_code(self, response):
        hxs = HtmlXPathSelector(response)

        item = response.meta['item']
        item['code'] = hxs.select('//div[@class="code-field"]/span/text()').extract()

        return item


If you run it via:

scrapy runspider <script_name.py> --output output.json

您将在 output.json 中看到以下内容:

you'll see the following in the output.json:

{"voucher_id": "5735", "code": ["MUM10"]}
{"voucher_id": "3634", "code": ["Deal Activated. Enjoy Shopping"]}
{"voucher_id": "5446", "code": ["APP20"]}
{"voucher_id": "5558", "code": ["No code for this deal"]}
{"voucher_id": "1673", "code": ["Deal Activated. Enjoy Shopping"]}
{"voucher_id": "3963", "code": ["CNATION150"]}
{"voucher_id": "5515", "code": ["Deal Activated. Enjoy Shopping"]}
{"voucher_id": "4313", "code": ["Deal Activated. Enjoy Shopping"]}
{"voucher_id": "4309", "code": ["Deal Activated. Enjoy Shopping"]}
{"voucher_id": "1540", "code": ["Deal Activated. Enjoy Shopping"]}
{"voucher_id": "4310", "code": ["Deal Activated. Enjoy Shopping"]}
{"voucher_id": "1539", "code": ["Deal Activated. Enjoy Shopping"]}
{"voucher_id": "4312", "code": ["Deal Activated. Enjoy Shopping"]}
{"voucher_id": "4311", "code": ["Deal Activated. Enjoy Shopping"]}
{"voucher_id": "2785", "code": ["Deal Activated. Enjoy Shopping"]}
{"voucher_id": "3631", "code": ["Deal Activated. Enjoy Shopping"]}
{"voucher_id": "4496", "code": ["Deal Activated. Enjoy Shopping"]}



08-29 12:56