



我有一个每小时运行 1 分钟的工作.

I have a job that runs 1st minute of every hour.

Job 将获取当前小时并查询 DB 以查看该小时要发送的任何通知,如果有,它将发送电子邮件通知.

Job will get current hour and query DB to see any notifications to be sent for this hour, if any, it will send email notifications.


Now the problem is with handling misfires.

说当调度程序在上午 8 点 30 分到 10 点 30 分之间关闭时,我错过了 2 个触发器.当调度程序在 10:30 出现时,我需要这 2 个错过的触发器才能被触发.所以我使用的是带有MisfireHandlingInstructionIgnoreMisfires 触发器的石英.

say when the scheduler is down between say 8:30AM - 10:30AM, i missed 2 triggers.When the scheduler comes up at 10:30 i need these 2 missed triggers to get fired.so i am using quartz withMisfireHandlingInstructionIgnoreMisfires trigger.

由于我的工作具有基于当前时间查询的逻辑,因此两个失火触发器都将查询仅在上午 10 点(不是上午 8 点和上午 9 点)发送的通知

Since my job has logic which queries based on current hour of the day, both misfire triggers will query notifications to send for 10AM only (not 8AM and 9AM)


How will i handle this scenario?

quartz 是否需要检查工作中的失火计数?

Does quartz has anyway to check misfire count inside job ?




In your case, instead of relying on current system date you should get scheduled date:

void execute(JobExecutionContext context) {


Typically current system time should be very close to scheduled fire time. But in misfire situation or under heavy load scheduled fire time is way before current time (we experience delay).

准确地说,在您的情况下,在 10:30 作业将触发两次,getScheduledFireTime() 将返回 9:00 和 10:00.

To be precise, in your case at 10:30 the job will trigger twice and getScheduledFireTime() will return 9:00 and 10:00.


07-26 01:08