

我需要取消Spring定时器执行或至少根据某些条件更改执行频率。同时使用 org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SimpleTriggerBean org.springframework.scheduling.timer.ScheduledTimerTask 。找不到怎么做的方法。

I need to cancel Spring timer execution or at least change the execution frequency based on some conditions. Was using both org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SimpleTriggerBean and org.springframework.scheduling.timer.ScheduledTimerTask. Cannot find the way how to do it.


注意:这是适用于Spring 3.0+

NOTE: This is for Spring 3.0+

  1. 阅读

使用 TaskScheduler 服务,例如 TimerManagerTaskScheduler ThreadPoolTask​​Scheduler

通过调用某些 TaskScheduler.schedule *()方法安排您的任务并存储返回的 ScheduledFuture

Schedule your task by calling some TaskScheduler.schedule*() method and store the returning ScheduledFuture.

如果要取消执行,请调用 ScheduledFuture.cancel()。这将停止进一步调用您的任务。此时,您可以通过调用 TaskScheduler.schedule *()为您的任务使用不同的参数重新安排。

When you want to cancel execution, invoke ScheduledFuture.cancel(). That will stop further invocations of your task. At this time, you can reschedule if you want by calling TaskScheduler.schedule*() for your task with different parameters.


09-23 07:09