


I mean if I need, for example, selected text in a hovered link be red, could I use the following code in CSS style?


<a href="123" class="abc">4567890</a>


Would that link, when I select part of it, become red colored when I hover it and is this correct syntax for such pseudo-classes combining?



除了在这种情况下, :: selection 不是伪类,伪元素不是CSS1或CSS2的一部分,或任何当前规格的事情。这是伪选择器这个术语的缩写,因为它们是两个完全不同的东西。

Except in this case, ::selection is not a pseudo-class, it's a pseudo-element that's not part of CSS1 or CSS2, or any current spec for that matter. And this is where the term "pseudo-selector" falls short, because they're two completely different things.

正确的语法是:hover 和双冒号 :: selection ,与伪类不同,伪元素必须总是最后:

The correct syntax is a single colon for :hover and double colons for ::selection, and unlike pseudo-classes, pseudo-elements must always come last:


即使如此,由于 :: selection 的工作原理(或不是),在浏览器中的效果。

And even then, because of the way ::selection works (or doesn't), it's not guaranteed to actually have an effect in browsers.


09-11 14:00