

在命令行上是否有相当于 svn 对 Perforce 的责备?p4 annotate 不显示用户名——只显示变更集编号(没有祖先历史!).

Is there an equivalent of svn's blame for Perforce on the command line? p4 annotate doesn't display usernames -- only changeset numbers (without ancestor history!).

我目前必须通过祖先跟踪代码并与文件日志进行比较,并且必须有一种更简单的方法——也许是 F/OSS 实用程序?

I currently have to track code back through ancestors and compare against the filelog, and there just has to be an easier way -- maybe a F/OSS utility?



Try taking a look at a couple of tools that I think could get you most of what you need:

1) p4pr 由 Bob Sidebotham 和乔纳森·卡门斯.

1) p4pr Perl script by Bob Sidebotham and Jonathan Kamens.

2) Emacs Perforce 接口有一个命令'p4-print-with-rev-history'(绑定到'Cx p V').

2) Emacs Perforce interface has a command 'p4-print-with-rev-history' (bound to `C-x p V').


10-24 03:41