

因此,如果您查看 HTTP状态代码列表,在编程时可能会有很多有用的地方.服务器可能会处理某些事情,例如协议,但是其中许多代码可能有助于告诉浏览器页面的实际状态.

So, if you look at the List of HTTP Status Codes, there are probably a number of them that would be useful while programming. The server might handle some things, like protocols, but a lot of these codes could be useful in telling the browser the actual status of the page.


So, my question is which of these status codes should we be concerned with? Which should we be checking to send, and which ones will most likely never be used in regular application programming.


If you are curious, this is in the scope of PHP programming, but it would probably apply to other languages just as well.



Many of these are intrinsically useful with REST-style API usage. For example:

  • 200(确定):您要求提供资源.在这里!

  • 200 (OK): You asked for a resource. Here it is!


201 (Created): You asked me to make a new resource. I did! Here's where you can go to ask me for it next time.


202 (Accepted): You asked me to do something, but it's going to take a while, so don't wait up. Here's where you can go to check up on the status.


300 (Multiple Choices): You asked for something, but you weren't specific enough. Which one of these did you mean?


301 (Moved Permanently): You asked for something, but it's somewhere else now. Here's where it went.


302 (Found): You asked for something, but it's somewhere else for the moment. Here it is.


304 (Not Modified): You asked for something before this, but it hasn't changed since the last time you asked me.


400 (Bad Request): Something is wrong about what you asked me to do. Fix what you said and try again.

401(未经授权):在完成此请求之前,我需要您先证明自己的身份. [注意:这是更不幸命名的标题之一.它的真正标题应该是未经身份验证的; 403更像是未经授权的.]

401 (Unauthorized): I need you to identify yourself before I can finish this request. [Note: This is one of the more unfortunately named headers. It should really be titled Unauthenticated; 403 is more like Unauthorized.]


403 (Forbidden): You asked for something you're not allowed to have.


404 (Not Found): You asked for a resource, but there isn't one that matches your description.


500 (Server Error): Something went wrong, so I can't give you what you asked for right now. Sorry about that.


501 (Not Implemented): I don't support that kind of request right now.


503 (Service Unavailable): I'm not able to respond to requests right now.


09-03 18:50