本文介绍了如何将表值参数从java传递到sql server存储过程?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have a Student class with the following attributes:

Name, Department, Address, Grade.

现在我有一个 ArrayList 包含一些学生这样的对象,

Now I have an ArrayList that contains some Student objects like this,

List<Student> stuList = new ArrayList<Student>();
stuList.add(new Student("Tom","Comp", "123 street", "A"));
stuList.add(new Student("Jery","Comp", "456 street", "A+"));
stuList.add(new Student("Mac","Maths", "Dum Street", "B"));

我需要将此arraylist传递给sql server存储过程并将student对象数据插入表中。

I need to pass this arraylist to the sql server stored procedure and insert the student object data into the table.How to best achieve this in Java? I am required to have a stored procedure.

Java版本8,Sql Server 2014是否有用。

Java version 8, Sql Server 2014 if its of any use.



With the inputs provided by Mark Rotteveel I was able to do it. Thanks Mark, Sean thanks for your input as well. Here is the working code for any of you that may find it useful.

String jdbcurl = "jdbc:sqlserver://TestServer:1433;DatabaseName=Student";
connection = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcurl,"username","password");

SQLServerDataTable stuTypeDT = new SQLServerDataTable();
stuTypeDT.addColumnMetadata("StudentId", java.sql.Types.NUMERIC);
stuTypeDT.addColumnMetadata("Name", java.sql.Types.VARCHAR);
stuTypeDT.addColumnMetadata("Department", java.sql.Types.VARCHAR);
stuTypeDT.addColumnMetadata("Address", java.sql.Types.VARCHAR);

stuTypeDT.addRow("1","Tom", "A", "123 Street");
stuTypeDT.addRow("2","Jery", "B", "456 Street");
stuTypeDT.addRow("3","Mac", "C", "Vancour");

String ececStoredProc = "EXEC InsertStudentInfo ?";
SQLServerPreparedStatement pStmt = (SQLServerPreparedStatement)connection.prepareStatement(ececStoredProc);
pStmt.setStructured(1, "dbo.StudentInfoType", stuTypeDT);

这篇关于如何将表值参数从java传递到sql server存储过程?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-25 23:46