



我想连接到 Weka 3.8 中的MSSQL服务器.我尝试了很多事情,但找不到连接到 SQLServer 2012数据库的方法.

I want to connect to MSSQL server in Weka 3.8. I tried lots of things and I couldn't find a way to connect to SQLServer 2012 Database.


Error: driver not found.

我应用了有关 JDBC-ODBC桥的所有步骤(下面的链接)

I applied all steps about JDBC-ODBC bridge (link below)

https: //andersspur.wordpress.com/2013/10/11/connect-weka-to-sql-server-2012-and-14/




I know it is late, but I had the same problem, and this took me a while to find the solution. I am almost sure you found the solution. In here, it is the second step. However, I am sharing my approach and hope you and other find this helpful.


First, you need to download jdbc driver from Microsoft as you did. For me: Here


Second, make sure you have enabled TCP/IP connection. More info is here and here,

第三,在SQL Server实例中启用远程连接,请参见这里.

Third, enable Remote connection in SQL server instance, See here.


Fourth, enable mix security mode in SQL, Here, You may need to restart the sql engine. Integrated security may alos work for you. In this case, see how to set parameters here, Add a user and give it access to db you want.


Fifth, Follow these steps in here or here, as you mentioned.

第六,按此按钮,转到此地址'C:\ Program Files \ Weka-3-8 \ weka \ experiment'并选择'DatabaseUtils.props',您应该已经在Fifth中编辑了此文件,并且该路径在您的计算机上可能不同.

Sixth, Press this button,go to this address 'C:\Program Files\Weka-3-8\weka\experiment' and select 'DatabaseUtils.props', You should have edited this file in Fifth and this path may be different on your computer.

已更新您可能需要按照Ivan的建议将修改后的DatabaseUtils.props复制到Weka 3.8的C:\Users\myUser\wekafiles可能位于的wekafiles文件夹中.

UpdatedYou may need to copy the modified DatabaseUtils.props into wekafiles folder possibly located C:\Users\myUser\wekafiles for Weka 3.8 as suggested by Ivan

第七,按下此按钮,希望您可以成功连接到sql server.

Seventh, Press this button and hope you can successfully connect to sql server.


This worked for me as shown here.


07-25 23:21