I am using local storage to store user entries and am displaying the entries on another page. I need a way to sort them based on the most recent date and time of edit. Is there a way to do this with HTML5. If not, what's the easiest/most effective way to do so?
Thanks for the inputs.
$ b
If your keys/values have an inherent order to them (alphabetical, numerical, etc), then putting a timestamp in them may be superfluous. Although the Storage object has no sort method, you can create a new Array() and then sort that.
function SortLocalStorage(){
if(localStorage.length > 0){
var localStorageArray = new Array();
for (i=0;i<localStorage.length;i++){
localStorageArray[i] = localStorage.key(i)+localStorage.getItem(localStorage.key(i));
var sortedArray = localStorageArray.sort();
return sortedArray;
这个缺点是数组不是关联的,而是JavaScript Array对象的本质。上面的函数通过将键名嵌入到值中解决了这个问题。这样它仍然在那里,你用来显示排序后的数组的功能可以完成将键和值分开的脚步。
The disadvantage to this is that the array is not associative, but that is by nature of the JavaScript Array object. The above function solves this by embedding the key name into the value. This way its still in there, and the functions you'd use to display the sorted array can do the footwork of separating the keys from the values.