

我有一个正在进行的win 32项目,资源文件运行良好,直到昨天.现在,当我尝试打开资源文件进行编辑时,它崩溃并给我以下错误:

I have a win 32 project I'm working on and the resource file were working fine till yesterday. Now when I try to open the resource file to edit, it crashes and gives me the following error:

 C://program files/Microsoft SDKs/Windows/v6.0A/include/prsht.h(0)
 error RC2247: Symbol name too long

任何人都可以告诉我哪里可能出问题或需要调查的地方. rc文件是一个非常简单的对话框,带有静态文本和进度条.

Can anybody tell me where I might be going wrong or where to look into. The rc file is a very simple dialog box with a static text and a progress bar.


我也遇到了错误. (在Michael Walz的评论中)应该可以正常工作.这是您必须要做的:

I had the error as well. The approach mentioned in the http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/{...} Link (in a comment from Michael Walz) should work. Here's what you have to do:


Find the part where the windows headers are included. This might be the "windows.h" include, or if you use MFC, it is the <afxres.h> include. Add the "prsht.h" header after your "windows.h" include (this did the trick for me). Also surround it with the two lines containing APSTUDIO_HIDDEN_SYMBOLS, to hide the lines from the resource editor. It should look like this:

#include "windows.h"
#include "prsht.h"


09-01 20:11