


Ok this sounds weird. Google play games was made for games. And it is excellent. Achievements, cloud save, etc.


Now my app is NOT a game. But it is well documented and researched that turning chores/work/etc into games, makes them more fun, and people more likely to want to do them.


And this is what I want to do for my app. I cant add it to the games section, as it is a productivity/utility app. Yet I would like to add achievements,etc to it. And seeing as Google Play Games services already has some of the functionality i need, i thought i could use it. However, it seems that your app must be a game to use it.


Any one know if you can actually use the services with non games?



It's technically possible but in circumstances where you are using the services in an app, be careful because if your app doesn't meet the branding requirements, it can be pulled from the Play store as described in the Google Play Games Services terms of service.


So long as you can follow the Google Play Games Services Branding Guidelines you should be fine.


07-25 22:37