

我有一个名为 User 的类,它是 [Serializable] ,并且继承自基本类 IdentityUser ,是Entity Framework类和Non Serializable.

I have a class called Userand it is [Serializable] and inherited from base class IdentityUser an Entity Framework class and Non Serializable.

我在 Booking 类中有一个类型为 User 的属性,并且 Booking 类是 Serializable 我正在尝试使用 BinaryFormatter 序列化预订对象,但是由于 IdentityUser 类,我无法这样做,但出现此错误:

I have a property in Booking class with type User and Booking class is Serializable I am trying to serialize the booking object using BinaryFormatter but I can't because of IdentityUser class and I get this error :


Is there a way to ignore this property because I don't think there is away to make 'IdentityUser' as Serializable.

public class User : IdentityUser
   public String FirstName { get; set; }

public class Booking
   public string GuestId { set; get; }
   public virtual User Guest { set; get; }


BinaryFormatter 序列化对象的公共字段和私有字段,而不是属性.对于自动实现属性秘密支持字段是实际序列化的内容.

BinaryFormatter serializes the public and private fields of a object -- not the properties. For an auto-implemented property the secret backing field is what is actually serialized.

通常,如果您不想序列化字段,则可以应用 [NonSerialized] 属性,而 BinaryFormatter 将跳过它.在c#7.3和更高版本中,可以通过使用以字段为目标的属性来对自动实现的属性的秘密后备字段执行此操作:

Normally, if you do not want a field to be serialized, you can apply the [NonSerialized] attribute, and BinaryFormatter will skip it. In c# 7.3 and later, it's possible to do this to the secret backing field of an auto-implemented property by using a field-targeted attribute:

    [field: NonSerialized]
    public virtual User Guest { set; get; }

请参阅:自动实现的属性以字段为目标的属性 C#7.3的新功能.


Prior to c# 7.3 there is no way to apply an attribute to the backing field of an auto-implemented property. Thus you need to make the backing field be explicit:

public class Booking
    public string GuestId { set; get; }

    User guest;

    public virtual User Guest { set { guest = value; } get { return guest; } }

顺便说一句,如果您需要序列化 User 中的某些信息,则可以考虑实现 ISerializable ,或替换实例具有>序列化代理人.

Incidentally, if you need to serialize some of the information in User, you could consider implementing ISerializable, or replacing instances of User with serialization surrogates.


08-21 13:40