



我正在尝试为多个用户部署atmoz sftp映像.我是这项技术的新手.


  • 我从GitHub上获取了模板并将其部署在azure上,借助模板,我可以创建两个用户(users1和users2).

  • 对于users1,我已经创建了folder1,对于user2,它已经创建了Folder2,并且在登录sftp时可以看到相同的结构.

  • 对于这两个文件夹,我创建了不同的文件共享.

我现在的要求是向两个用户都显示两个文件夹,但要具有用户定义的权限. users1应该具有对Folder1的写许可权,并且具有对Folder2的读许可权,而user2应该具有对Folder2的写许可权,并且仅具有对Folder1的读许可权.






I'm trying to deploy atmoz sftp images for multiple users. I am new to this technology.

Below are the points I have tried.

  • I took the template from GitHub and deployed it on azure and with the help of the template I'm able to create the two users(users1 and users2).

  • For users1 I have created the folder1 and for user2 folder2 and I'm able to see the same structure while login into sftp.

  • For both the folders I have created the different file share.

My requirement is now to show both the folders to both the users but with user defined permission. users1 should have write permission on folder1 and read permission on folder2 and user2 should have write permission on folder2 and only read permission on folder1.

SFTP login for first user i.e user1


Currently, the Azure Container Instance does not support to change the permission when you mount the Azure File Share. And you can see all the users home path are owned by the root user and the root group:

And when you execute the command mount inside the container instance, you can see it like this:

Both file_mode and the dir_mode are set with the permission 0777. And there is no property to change the mount options in the ARM template. So I'm afraid you cannot achieve your purpose.


07-25 22:30