我正在使用RealTimeMultiplayer概念上的Google Play游戏服务来构建游戏,我的问题是如何访问所有参与者的个人资料图像以进行显示.我是Google Play游戏服务的新手,未找到解决方案或有关API的任何指南.请指导我,我们可以访问以及如何访问吗?
I am building a game using google play game services on RealTimeMultiplayer concept, my questions is how to get access the all participants profile image to display. i am new to the google play game services, not found a solutions or any guidance on API. please guide me, can we access and how to access?
Using the ImageManager class to load the ImagerUri is how I tackle it.
Below, I loop through each Participant in the currentRoom, and request their IconImageUri to be loaded by an ImageManager instance.
This can directly be used to inflate a view, but as I am using LibGDX, I save it as png for it to handle.
(You can see that I tell theGameInterface that it is null if their is no pic, either because there isn't one, or they are an "unknown" participant and therefore GPGS returns null)
for (Participant p : mRoomCurrent.getParticipants()) {
//makeToast("should be loading pic");
ImageManager IM = ImageManager.create(this);
IM.loadImage(new ImageManager.OnImageLoadedListener() {
public void onImageLoaded(Uri arg0, Drawable drawable, boolean arg2) {
if(drawable == null) {
theGameInterface.picLoaded(participantID, null);
} else {
Bitmap bitmap = ((BitmapDrawable)drawable).getBitmap();
try {
FileOutputStream out = openFileOutput("pic" + participantID + ".png", Context.MODE_MULTI_PROCESS);
bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 90, out);
} catch (Exception e) {
}, p.getIconImageUri());
These were deduced from developer site
这篇关于如何使用Google Play游戏服务获取RealTimeMultiplayer中参与者的个人资料图像的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!