如何正确地将拍摄的图片中的像素rgb值转换为发送到Phillips Hue设备所需的XY值?我当前的代码执行以下操作:1:拍照,找到最普通的颜色.2:循环扔掉它们,然后再拍一张照片.3:将值发送到Phillips Hue Bulbs.如果您需要更多代码,请告诉我,如果有帮助,我可以共享所有内容.我在这里特别困惑,因为colormath的转换给了我xyz而不只是xy.而且,如果我使用rbg(0,0,0)进行通话,则它会在色相灯泡上显示一段时间的颜色.
How do I properly convert the pixel rgb values in a picture I have taken to th XY values needed to to send to the Phillips Hue device?My current code does the following:1:Take a picture, find the most common colors.2:Cycle throw them and then take another picture.3:Send the value to a Phillips Hue Bulbs.If you need more of the code, do tell, I can share everything if it helps.I am particularly confused here as the conversion in colormath gives me an xyz and not just an xy. And if I give the converstion of rbg(0,0,0) it gives a while color on the hue bulb.
from beautifulhue.api import Bridge
from colormath.color_objects import RGBColor
from time import sleep
while True:
from pprint import pprint
color_set = colors_from_cam()
for item in color_set:
print "Getting the color"
time_length = item[0] # prominence
red, green, blue = item[1] # colors
#Set a lights attributes based on RGB colors.
rgb_color = RGBColor(red,green,blue)
xyz_color = rgb_color.convert_to('xyz', target_rgb='cie_rgb')
xyz_x = xyz_color.xyz_x
xyz_y = xyz_color.xyz_y
xyz_z = xyz_color.xyz_z
resource = {
'xy':[xyz_x, xyz_y],
'transitiontime': 1,
'bri': 255}
print "sleeping"
print "taking another picture."
Z is a required component of the XYZ values you received from colormath's conversion, so omitting Z is probably not what you meant to do when you sent only X and Y to hue. I believe you need to integrate Z into your X and Y values to normalize them to a 2D color matrix.
x = X/(X + Y + Z);
x = X / (X + Y + Z);
y = Y/(X + Y + Z);
y = Y / (X + Y + Z);
请参阅: CIE 1931色彩空间,尤其是色度图适用于这些公式.
See: CIE 1931 color space and more specifically Chromaticity Diagram for these formulas.
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