

TinEye,谷歌和其他人提供了一个反向图片搜索 - 你可以上传照片,并在几秒钟内就可以找到类似的图片

TinEye, Google and others offer a "reverse image search" -- you can upload a photo and within seconds it will find similar photos.


Is there an open-source version of these algorithms?

我知道上海对外贸易等算法寻找外观相似的照片,但他们只对直接比较一张照片到另一个。也就是说,要找到类似的照片,一幅照片,是一个 O(N)操作,找到所有视觉上相似的照片将是为O(n ^ 2 ) - 这两者都是过于缓慢

I know about "SIFT" and other algorithms for finding "visually similar" photos, but they only work for comparing one photo directly to another. i.e., to find similar photos to a given photo is an O(n) operation, to find all visually similar photos would be O(n^2) -- both of which are prohibitively slow.


I need a feature descriptor that is indexable by a [relational] database to reduce the result set to something more manageable.


By "visually similar" I mean very similar. i.e, a photo that has been lightly touched up/recolored in Photoshop, slightly cropped or resized, photos taken in rapid succession of the same scene, or flipped or rotated images.



A valid approach you can consider is the Bag-of-Words model.

基本上你可以做的目标图像脱机计算。您可以从这些图像中提取了一堆功能,以创建一个codebook与像 K-均值聚类算法。搜索最近的影像会导致如最近邻搜索的算法在的codebook空间中的应用

Basically you can do an offline computation of the target images. You can extract from those images a bunch of features in order to create a codebook with algorithms like k-means clustering. Searching for the nearest images will lead to the applications of an algorithm like Nearest neighbor search in the space of the codebook.


For the neighbour search you can use FLANN

  • http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~mariusm/index.php/FLANN/FLANN
  • http://opencv.willowgarage.com/documentation/cpp/flann_fast_approximate_nearest_neighbor_search.html
  • http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~mariusm/index.php/FLANN/FLANN
  • http://opencv.willowgarage.com/documentation/cpp/flann_fast_approximate_nearest_neighbor_search.html



This is only a possibility and, truth must be told, this topic is really challenging and litterature on it is really huge.


  • http://www.cs.nott.ac.uk/~qiu/webpages/Papers/ColorPatternRecognition.pdf
  • http://cs.brown.edu/~th/papers/Hofmann-UAI99.pdf
  • http://www.ifp.illinois.edu/~jyang29/ScSPM.htm
  • http://johnwinn.org/Publications/papers/Savarese_Winn_Criminisi_Correlatons_CVPR2006.pdf
  • http://www-cvr.ai.uiuc.edu/ponce_grp/publication/paper/cvpr06b.pdf
  • http://www.cs.nott.ac.uk/~qiu/webpages/Papers/ColorPatternRecognition.pdf
  • http://cs.brown.edu/~th/papers/Hofmann-UAI99.pdf
  • http://www.ifp.illinois.edu/~jyang29/ScSPM.htm
  • http://johnwinn.org/Publications/papers/Savarese_Winn_Criminisi_Correlatons_CVPR2006.pdf
  • http://www-cvr.ai.uiuc.edu/ponce_grp/publication/paper/cvpr06b.pdf


08-31 06:41