I want to add Google search functionality to my Android app. I want to create one layout where I can display results from different branches (Books, Videos, Maps, etc). How can I get results programmatically? Any API and samples?
Google Web Search would be the API that you are looking for.
在搜索请求中,可以指定一个纬度和经度的文字去附近的地方一个参考,如果你正在做一个基于位置的搜索。 是参考参数搜索请求。
In the search request, you can specify a latitude and longitude with the text to get a reference to the nearby places, if you are doing a location based search. Here is the reference to the parameters for the search request.
You can simply make a http call and parse the JSON response when it comes back.
不过,是,谷歌鼓励你,而不是使用新的API去$ p $的pcated之一。
However, CustomSearch is the new API that Google encourages you to use instead of the deprecated one.