本文介绍了仅读取 C 中文本文件中的固定列宽的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


假设我有这个文本文件 data.txt:

Let's say I have this text file data.txt:

|-- 20 characters--||-- 20 characters--|
Carlos              Rivera Bernal
Thomas              James Hanner
James               Patrick Sullivan
Brayan              Williams
Khaterine           Smith
Ben                 Thompson


How could you read a text file with only the first column of fixed width. After storing each row in that column into a variable and use it as a parameter to a function.


如果您的行始终填充为 40 个字符加上换行符,您可以使用 %20c 来读取每个 20 个字符的字段.这将节省空白和所有;如果你愿意,你可以在之后把它们脱掉.请注意,这不会为字符串终止;你必须这样做.

If your lines were consistently padded to 40 characters plus newline, you could use %20c to read each 20-character field. That would save the blanks and all; you could strip those off afterwards if you wish. Note that this does not null terminate the strings; you have to do that.

char first[21];
char last[21];

while (scanf(" %20c %20c", first, last) == 2)
    first[20] = last[20] = '\0';
    printf("[%s] [%s]\n", first, last);


With properly formatted data, this produces:

[Carlos              ] [Rivera Bernal       ]
[Thomas              ] [James Hanner        ]
[James               ] [Patrick Sullivan    ]
[Brayan              ] [Williams            ]
[Khaterine           ] [Smith               ]
[Ben                 ] [Thompson            ]

但是,如果第二个字段没有填充到(至少)20 个字符,%20c 将消耗换行符和下一行的开头:

However, if the second field is not padded to (at least) 20 characters, the %20c will consume the newline and start of the next line:

[Carlos              ] [Rivera Bernal
[s              James] [Hanner
James        ]
[Patrick Sullivan
Bra] [yan              Wil]
Khaterine     ] [Smith
Ben           ]


Your next choice, which works on the given data, is:

while (scanf(" %20[^ ] %20[^\n]", first, last) == 2)
    printf("[%s] [%s]\n", first, last);

它在第一个字段中最多读取 20 个字符(或第一个空格),然后在第二个字段中最多读取 20 个字符(或换行符).在我的数据副本上,产生了:

It reads up to 20 characters (or the first blank) in the first field, then up to 20 characters (or the newline) in the second field. On my copy of your data, that produced:

[Carlos] [Rivera Bernal ]
[Thomas] [James Hanner]
[James] [Patrick Sullivan]
[Brayan] [Williams]
[Khaterine] [Smith]
[Ben] [Thompson]


There must be a trailing blank after Carlos's name and not anyone else's. You could combine the techniques to read a 'first name' that has blanks in it:

while (scanf(" %20c %20[^\n]", first, last) == 2)
    first[20] = last[20] = '\0';
    printf("[%s] [%s]\n", first, last);


[Carlos              ] [Rivera Bernal ]
[Thomas              ] [James Hanner]
[James               ] [Patrick Sullivan]
[Brayan              ] [Williams]
[Khaterine           ] [Smith]
[Ben                 ] [Thompson]


You could write a function to null trailing blanks. For example:

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>

static void null_trailing_blanks(char *buffer, size_t buflen)
    assert(buflen > 0);
    buffer[--buflen] = '\0';
    while (buflen > 0 && buffer[buflen-1] == ' ')
        buffer[--buflen] = '\0';

int main(void)
    char first[21];
    char last[21];

    while (scanf(" %20c %20c", first, last) == 2)
        null_trailing_blanks(first, sizeof(first));
        null_trailing_blanks(last, sizeof(last));
        printf("[%s] [%s]\n", first, last);

    return 0;


On the fully-padded data set, that yields:

[Carlos] [Rivera Bernal]
[Thomas] [James Hanner]
[James] [Patrick Sullivan]
[Brayan] [Williams]
[Khaterine] [Smith]
[Ben] [Thompson]

这篇关于仅读取 C 中文本文件中的固定列宽的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-25 20:44