



我有以下SQL查询,我想使用此商品代码计算WTD,MTD和YTD销售数字,并且仅按商店代码分组 -

I have the below SQL Query and I want to Calculate the WTD, MTD and YTD sales figure using this and only group by the store codes -

declare @DateFrom datetime , @dateTo datetime

set @datefrom = getdate()-6
set @dateto= getdate()

st.store_code as Store,
p.product_code as Product,
PN.short_name as [Product Description],
c.description as Waist,
s.description as [Size(Length)],
rt.TRANSDATE as [Transaction Date],
rt.TRANSNUM as [Transaction number],
rt.operator_id as [Sales Associate ID#],
sta.name as [Sales Associate name],
((dtp.qty*dtp.Price_Sold)+isnull(dtp.Tax_Amount1,0)+ISNULL(dtp.Tax_Amount2,0)) as [Price_Sold],
service.description as [Service Applied],
dts.PRICE_NET as [Service Amount],
@Datefrom as From_Date,
@DateTo as to_Date,

"YTD" = ?,

from RETAIL_TRANSACTION (nolock) rt
inner join dt_product (nolock) dtp      on rt.store_code_id = dtp.store_code_id
                                           and rt.transtype = dtp.transtype
                                           and rt.transnum = dtp.transnum
                                           and rt.cais = dtp.cais

inner join retail_line (nolock) rl      on rl.store_code_id=dtp.store_code_id
                                        and rl.transnum=dtp.transnum
                                        and rl.transtype=dtp.transtype
                                        and rl.cais=dtp.cais
                                        and rl.line_id=dtp.line_id

Left outer join dt_service (nolock) dts      on dts.store_code_id=rl.store_code_id
                                           and dts.transtype=rl.transtype
                                           and dts.transnum=rl.transnum
                                           and dts.cais=rl.cais

 inner join service (nolock)            on service.service_id=dts.service_id
 inner join store (nolock) st              on rt.store_code_id = st.store_code_id

 inner join staff (nolock) sta            on rt.operator_ID = sta.staff_id

inner join sku_conversion (nolock) sc    on  dtp.product_id = sc.product_id
                                           and dtp.size_id = sc.size_id
                                           and dtp.color_id = sc.color_id

inner join Product(nolock) P            on P.product_id=dtp.product_id
inner join Product_name(nolock) PN      on PN.product_id=P.product_id
inner join color(nolock) C              on C.color_id=dtp.color_id
inner join size(nolock) s               on s.size_id=dtp.size_id

where dts.service_id in ('1000045','1000044')

and rt.TS_ID between @Datefrom and @Dateto



I don't want to Group by all the fields in the select statement , only group by Transdate and store.

How to achieve this using SSRS Reporting . Please give me some idea..


declare @DateFrom datetime , @dateTo datetime

set @datefrom = dateadd(mm, -month({fn curdate()})+1, {fn curdate()}) /*down to January*/
set @datefrom = dateadd(dd, -Day(@datefrom ) + 1,  @datefrom) /*down to Jan 1st*/

set @dateto= {fn curdate()}



So using this in your WHERE clause brings YTD Data. Now you need to make a SUM with a CASE statement for YTD, MTD and WTD.
I don't know very well your field names, but if you follow this model you'll be fine:

SUM(YourTotalSales) AS YTD,

SUM(CASE WHEN SaleDate BETWEEN DateAdd(dd, -Day(@dateTo)+1, @dateTo) AND @dateTo
THEN YourTotalSales ELSE 0 END) AS MTD,

SUM(CASE WHEN SaleDate BETWEEN DateAdd(dd, -DATEPART(dw, @dateTo)+1, @dateTo) AND @dateTo THEN YourTotalSales ELSE 0 END) AS WTD

对于GROUP BY:by规则,如果SELECT子句中有一个字段不是聚合函数的一部分,那么它必须进入GROUP BY。

只是不要选择你不想分组的字段,并在GROUP BY子句中省略它们,你就可以了。

For the GROUP BY: by rule, if there is a field in the SELECT clause that is not part of an aggregate function, then it must go into the GROUP BY.
Just don't select the fields you don't want to group by and omit them from the GROUP BY clause and you'll do fine.


07-25 20:29